Chapter 24

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"Hey, Pete. Are you sure about this? I should get bodyguards to follow you guys around." Khun Noo kept asking me as I get dressed to meet with Vegas.

"No need, Khun Noo. It's okay. Can you promise not to tell anyone else? Only you, Arm, and Pol know where I'm going." I gently ask him

"Oi! I'm not a snitch but if you go don't come back two days from now, I'm going to tell them." He crosses his arms while Arm and Pol check my bag to make sure I brought everything I need just in case trouble comes along the way.

It seems as though Vegas doesn't trust anyone about his nanny so even though some people probably know he'll be looking for her, no one is officially allowed to go with him. Well, no one except for me which is ironic and hard to understand, really. But I have decided to help him one last time.

Am I doing the right thing? Am I---

"Ouch! Help me, Pete. I think that Jo gave me a disease! Ai no!!!!" My thoughts stopped as Khun Noo suddenly whined waking Arm and Pol who suddenly got up.

"What, what's wrong?" They suddenly stand up and act alert even though Arm looks like he doesn't see a thing because he can't find his glasses.

"Hurry up. My back is itching. It must be from that kiss. The bacteria has spread throughout my body, Pete!"

He lets his robe slide down and shows us his back. Arm still couldn't see a thing but Pol was already annoyed.

"Khun Noo. It's an ant bite." I tell him calmly.

"How do you know that? You're not an expert!" He snaps

"I know because the ant that bit you is still hanging onto your skin. I told you not to eat on the bed, Khun Noo" I remove the ant from his back.

"Aw, so bossy. Anyway, that Jo is no good. He wants my purity, I'm telling you. My sweet flower so fresh and untainted. He wants it!!!" He sits down and act dainty. Pol now looks like he wants to cry because of stress

"Pete, don't leave us here. Please don't go! We'll die without you!" Arm was holding onto my knees.

"Oi, Arm! I'm not exaggerating! Let's go back to Bangkok, Pete. We'll both lose our purities here on this island!" Khun Noo says. Why is he getting me involved? I won't!

"Khun Noo, did he say that to you? Khun Jo? And even if he does, just say No, you can't have my pure untainted fresh flower." I advice him.

"Oh please, he was closing his eyes during the kiss too." Pol murmured behind me.

"Anyway, call that doctor friend of yours who is also a bar girl. I need to get checked for STDs" Khun Noo said, acting weak.

I shake my head as I walk out the door after saying bye to the three.

I went inside grandma's room. She is still asleep so I just kiss her on the forehead and I went out.

It's only four a.m. and still dark outside but Vegas and I have to hurry if we don't want to get too much attention.

"There he is!" Vegas said when I walked out my gate.

"Shush. Let's just go. Where's that map?" I asked him. He better not greet me happy birthday. I dislike getting attention on the day of my birth. It's awkward.

"We'd have to ride a boat to get here." I said while I use my flashlight to see the map.

A few moments later, we were at the dock and I untied the boat I rented. It's a motorboat this time and I rented life jackets this time too.

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