8. Big day.

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(Aneri refers to ARNOLD as PAPA and KLIEN as DADDY.)

Well, it took a lot of patience and wisdom on my part to get used to this lifestyle. But still, both of my fathers do things that shock me now and then. Such is this, a big birthday party being hosted by them for me now.

I came into this world on Christmas. So, they celebrate it as a "Mini Birthday" and it is limited to our family. I was 6 months old, as revealed by my femur. So, I must have been born in June, as if I was. Thus, they chose to use the summer solstice, i.e., June 21st.

(Aneri refers to ARNOLD as PAPA and KLIEN as DADDY.)

Papa: I'm not opposed to the big event, nor am I opposed to the way you invite families. But, don't try to make my delicate daughter mix with those power-hungry impish families and their swine of sons.

Daddy: Honey, you can't keep her hidden from the rest of the world. This will cause various speculations from various sides and can also result in her being torn away from us. There are numerous vultures watching us.

Papa: Love, that IS the reason why I don't want her to be mingling with them. I really don't trust them, not once.

Daddy: OK. Then let us create a kid zone so no mean adult can interact with her and she can only play with kids her age. Hmm?

Papa: No. It is not acceptable. I don't trust men around my baby.

Daddy: Says the world's gayest man! Wow! Actually, you don't want her to be wooed by boys.

Papa: Which father would want that?

Daddy: Right. But even you understand that it is impossible to prevent. Let it happen under our supervision rather than otherwise. You know, there will be bodyguards, attendants, and even a superman named Thales. He has centuries of experience. So, she will be fine. Plus, we will check on her from time to time or carry her around.See her? She behaves like an adult. This is due to her being surrounded by adults; she cannot culminate any childish joys and fun.

And Papa reluctantly approved of the party, and now I'm stuck with this grand chaos. Well, I do look cute in this expensive dress paired with a cutesy hairstyle. But, I am in no mood to applaud my looks as I am really nervous. I know what is there to be nervous about. I'm a 3 year old but this performance panic stayed with me from my previous life, unlike my outer shell.

***Flashback***(Aneri's previous life)●Aneri, 3 years old, at her paternal grandfather 's birthday party:

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(Aneri's previous life)

Aneri, 3 years old, at her paternal grandfather 's birthday party:

Aneri: Granpa, I made this bracelet for you.

Aneri: Granpa, I made this bracelet for you

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Granpa: Thank you.

Ameri ( Aneri's twin brother): It is so simple. Plus, the colour combination is so odd. Aneri, you should give presents from the heart. Things that you give thought and effort to, not things that can be done in 1 minute.

Aneri: I did.

Mother: Aneri, you shouldn't have bothered to bring a gift that isn't your concern, because if it was you would have put much thought into it.

Granpa: Oh. Look at her age. She is young. And I'm sure she will get better if she practices.

Mother: Father, don't let this go away. You can see how all the guests are mumbling. Look at how Ameri has prepared your gift.

Granpa: Oh, now I really want to see his gift. Come on, my boy.

(Opens the gift wrap)

Granpa: Wow, my boy, you really are the pride of our clan. Hey, guys, look at how my grandson made this portrait of me. See, isn't it just awesome?

And with that, I was just in the shadow and the realisation of me being there but meaning nothing started to daunt me

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And with that, I was just in the shadow and the realisation of me being there but meaning nothing started to daunt me.

Aneri, 13 years old , in classroom, on valentine's day:

A boy:Man, She said yes to me! Finally, I have a girlfriend.

Another boy: Man! I wish I had a girlfriend.

A girl near them: Well, you can have a girlfriend. You can ask Ameri's sister. I bet she is single.

Boy (who wants girlfriend): Bro. I'm not that desperate to accept a bad penny.

She was able to hear the laughter.One of the many examples when I got to know that I wasn't worth much My peers, with whom I wanted to be friends, kept me at arm's distance. People with whom I had conversations with behaved nicely towards me but majorly ignored me and avoided me at their parties. Some pitied me, sometimes asked me out, but even then I was out of the place. Sometimes, I started the conversation with people but then became a listener only within the group.

Aneri, 15 years old, After the music competition of national level:

Father: Really, I told you that I had an important meeting today. You could have handled her. But no you didn't, you basically dragged me to the event. Now, see, I'm in a tight situation.

Mother: Well, it is the first time that she got this far. I just wanted to be with her on her first win.

Father: Like, she even won something. That's a fricken participatory certificate. If it was Ameri, it was worth thinking about 1st position. But you are talking about Aneri. You should have thought about it before you dragged me out.

Mother: Not everyone is extraordinary. Some are average, like Aneri.

Father: Then why did you waste my time? You wasted my money on her extracurricular activities and still she got nothing. Plus, Now, I have to do triple work for the mishap.

Mother: I am sorry.

Father: Sorry. My foot!

They started to count the problems with her. They, on the other hand, were blind to her tears, broken heart, and anxiety. When she listened to those words from behind the door, their words again stabbed her heart for the millionth time.
Her pride in proving them wrong evaporated. After all, a participatory certificate was just a compensation prize. It doesn't matter if it is from a national level. It is of no worth.

"Aneri, what happened? Why are you breathing so fast? Oh my God, you look so pale! Thales! Arnold! Arnold!" Klein screamed, and with that Aneri woke up from her tormentous episode of flashbacks.

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