Chapter 7: Moon Prince and The Boy

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When Kavin was nine, there was a pretty lady who came to their home. Her name was Irin, a nice Beta girl who will be Kavin's nanny. Kavin adored her almost immediately. She helped him with his homework and read him books and slipped him his favorite candies when his mom wouldn't let him have any. Kavin didn't have a lot of friends, but if he had to name one, it would definitely be Irin. The pair spent almost all of their waking hours together, save for the time that Kavin had to go to school. But once the school bell had rung, Kavin would rush to the gates and fling himself to Irin's waiting arms.

Kavin loved everything about Irin. He loved her soft skin and her gently curling hair. He loved her sweet voice and her warm hugs. He loved the food she cooks and her made-up songs. But Kavin's most favorite of them all were her bedtime stories. Irin is an aspiring author. Specifically, she wanted to write children's books. She wanted to draw pictures to come with them too, but as she sadly told Kavin, it was just not her talent. Her skill, she said, was more on storytelling. And on this, Kavin had to agree. Every night, Irin would come to his room, tuck him to bed, and then launch into yet another magnificent tale of princes and princesses and dragons and pirates. Kavin would listen to her in rapt attention until his eyelids were heavy and sleep claimed him and his dreams were full of magical worlds and fantasy.

Kavin's most favorite story of them all was the one about a boy who met the Prince of the Moon and became bestfriends with him. The Moon Prince was a strongheaded and adventurous boy, used to being in-charge. He was bossy and was always scowling when things didn't go his way. But all of that changed when he met The Boy. A budding adventurer in his own right, The Boy desired the same thing as the Moon Prince: to explore the universe. And so, they were granted power. As long as they wished for it together, a new portal to a new world would open for them and they would have the opportunity to explore each world as they desired. This was the set-up for Irin's stories and each night was a different one. Kavin loved hearing each and every one of them.

"Is The Boy the Moon Prince's Omega?" Kavin asked sleepily. He had learned about Alphas and Omegas in school and how quickly and strongly they bond. It sounded a lot like the Moon Prince and The Boy in his opinion.

Irin stilled for a moment, the good-natured grin on her face fading for just a few seconds. Then, she was back, smoothing the blankets around Kavin. "Is it important?" She asked.

"I guess," Kavin shrugged. "The Alpha-Omega bond is the highest form of relationship there is. True mates know they are for each other the moment their eyes first meet. This is how you know that the Alpha-Omega bond is the most powerful one." He said solemnly, parroting his school lessons.

"Is it?" Irin asked, to Kavin's complete confusion. Why does Irin not know this? Is it because she's a Beta? "They're not mates, though. They're both Alphas." She said with finality.

Kavin was a bit bummed at that. Being both Alphas, it was inevitable that the Moon Prince and The Boy would someday leave their adventuring and part ways when they meet their respective Omegas. Maybe Irin can reconsider. "I want them to be together forever, though." He said sullenly.

"And they will be." Irin replied, as she caressed the top of the boy's head gently. "Why won't they be? They're bestfriends."

"If they're both Alphas, they can't be together forever, Irin." Kavin huffed, a bit annoyed. He was already sleepy and had no more patience in stating the obvious. "They'll be with their Omegas someday and they can't adventure anymore. It's what happens. Teacher says so."

Irin's face, half-illuminated by Kavin's nightlight, was solemn. "Hm. But Irin says that the Moon Prince and The Boy will be together forever. That's if they wish to be of course. Do you think they'd wish for that, Kavin?"

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