Chapter 10: Finding Home

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When Kimhan called off their camping trip, Kavin already knew that something was wrong. The former had been looking forward to this day and it wasn't like him to change plans so quickly after he had painstakingly ensured Kavin's attendance. There was also something off in Kimhan's voice too when he answered Kavin's call, in a way that Kavin couldn't exactly pinpoint and it unsettled the Alpha. His gut feeling told him that something was wrong. Too jittery to do anything else, Kavin came to a decision. He had to see Kimhan.

The drive to Kimhan's place was tense. The boy wasn't answering Kavin's calls and it only served to heighten Kavin's nerves. The househelp, who recognized Kavin as Thyme's mate and a regular visitor, easily let him in and he promptly bolted up the stairs to Kimhan's room. He might have knocked at the door at an intensity that was a bit too loud for five-thirty AM but he needed to make sure that the other boy was okay.

The same gravelly voice from the call answered with a weak 'what'. Kavin's brow furrowed. Kimhan didn't sound sick but he did sound...weak. Lifeless, even. "What do you mean what?" Kavin shouted through the door, agitated. "Why did you cancel our hiking trip?"

When Kimhan replied that he just didn't feel like doing the climb, Kavin grew confident that something was indeed wrong. Sending a quick mental thanks to Thyme for accidentally showing him where they kept a copy of the house keys (in the kitchen, at the bottom of the bowl with fake fruit), Kavin rifled through the keyring for Kimhan's roomkey. The door opened with a bang and Kavin was met with a sight that confirmed his suspicions. Kimhan was half-up in bed, his covers askew as he stared at the doorway in shock. His eyes were rimmed red, lip trembling and voice hoarse. It was so unlike how Kimhan normally was, proud and stoic and exuding a quiet confidence that Kavin admired. Kavin moved unthinkingly, and soon he was beside Kimhan's bed and holding the other boy's cheeks in his hands.

"Your eyes are red. You were crying." He declared, not even giving Kimhan a chance to deny despite the other boy still trying. A familiar sense of protectiveness, one typically reserved for his Omega, bubbled inside Kavin. It didn't make any sense, though. Kimhan was an Alpha and Kavin should not have any desire to protect him, or to take his pain away.

But things like feelings do not care for minor concerns like rationality, and Kavin found himself wanting to make it all better for the other boy. Besides, I'm taking my pain away. Kavin rationalized as he held Kimhan's hand silently. The boy shook as he sobbed and each gut-wrenching cry felt like a needle in Kavin's own heart. Make it stop, Kavin pleaded inside his head, gritting his teeth from the pricking feeling in his chest and the churning inside his gut. He squeezed Kimhan's hand, offering his own warmth hoping that it provided at least a modicum of comfort. This is self-preservation, Kavin thought to himself, in a bid to quiet down the little voice in his head that told him an Alpha holding another Alpha was just so wrong.

He didn't understand why, but he just knew that If Kimhan's pain stopped, then so would his.

He didn't understand why, but he just knew that If Kimhan's pain stopped, then so would his

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