CHAPTER 8 (Lowkey Relationship)

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When the series was released it was blow up and now were an actor successful actor and me and bible been dating for years and decided to move in together but no one knows we keep it a secret but sometimes it is hard to hide since camera was everywhere

"Love goodmorning" - bible greet me

Good morning love - I greet back and hug him

"Let's go to the dinning table I cook your favorite" - he said

I'll be there in a minute - I said

"You don't have to change you're cute on your sleepwear" - he said teasingly

I'm gonna wash my face and brush my teeth and don't teas me,you cuddle me all night - I said as I walk to the bathroom

"I'll wait for you in the table" - he said then left the room.

*Ring ring* 
Apo was calling


Whats wrong apo?

"Don't you see the news? It's all over"

What do you mean I just woke up what's the news?

"Someone saw you last night going on your secret house with bible"

I hang up immediately,I run to tell bible but when I got to the kitchen he's watching the news

"Do we have to separate?" - he ask me

No no of course we've been dating for years now - I said as I walk closer to him and gave him a hug

"I can't loss you love" - he said softly while sobbing on my back

You won't loss me love - I said as I easily wipe his tear

We got a call from our company we hurried to go there bible was so worried about our relationship

As we step our feet inside the company everybody look at us

We go to the room that assign to us to go everybody was silent


"CONGRATULATIONS" - Everybody yelled I look at bible I think he planted it cause it was our anniversary

"Congrats bui" - bible said then hugged me

"Phii I can't believe you reach 2.0M followers people love you so much" - barcode said

Oh.. I thought..

Y..yea people might love me so much - I said then apo called me to sit so I can blow up my candle

They drive to the club to celebrate while the celebration random came to us and hold bible waist bible and everyone was drunk expect me and barcode and then other girl was filming are they setting us up? I tap barcode

Tell them to go away - I said

"Hey please stop what your doing and leave p'bible alone " - barcode said

Then they leave I look at them they were talking about something I think they were making other plan bible go directly to the bathroom the other girl follow then the other girl was recording I take her phone away

What do you think you're doing? Sexualizing an actor? Leave! - I said she run away she left the phone with me I rush to the bathroom I saw the girl kissing bible I drop the glass I'm holding

Bible was kissing her back..

"Y-*hiccup* you're a good kisser than my boyfriend" - bible said as they keep kissing

I rush to go out at the bar barcode notice me

As I was leaving I bumped into someone it was.. arjhon..omg..

"H-hey build! What's wrong?.." - he ask as he held my in his arms

B-bible..he's kissing other girl..- I said

"What..Its been a year" - he said then wipes my tears

"Come on let me take you home" - he said I just nodded

As I sat down the car bible's word redo in my head it hurt..

"Hey I saw the news do you know paparazzi will come soon" - arjhon said while driving

I-iknow I was thinking about some plan - I said

"Oh ok where is your house" - arjhon said

On the main street of ***** go straight then left its mine and bibles house - I said

"Ohh okk let me take you there" - he said

As we got there I said thank you and then I got inside I put my Pajamas on I lay down on the bed I still can't stop thinking what he said is he really drunk?..why does he knows that the girl wasn't me..? A lot question in my mind cross I was hurt so bad I close my eyes

I heard the door open I fell asleep it's 2 am it's bible.. I got up and see what bible doing he's drinking water I rush back to our room

Once he got inside the smell of the girls perfume make the room smell like it..

I fake a sleep

"I'm so sorry..bui.." - he whispered

I hold back my tears he lay down and hug me  I close my eyes..

*Tit tit tit* the alarm Beebs I open my eye bible wasn't in the room I got up check my phone 500+ notification and then I opened it it's a picture of our house posted on Twitter and the caption said "your two favorite actor bible and build living in one roof here the house have fun (main street of ***** the go  straight and left) I was so shocked the I dropped my phone and the sound of my head eacho "titttttttttttttt" everything went black..

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