CHAPTER 10 (hope..)

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I every night I cry myself to sleep it was so hard to accept in the distance Im watching him being happy with her while I was here crying every night..

"Hey Bui over here let's go to mall" -apo said

Sure..- I said

"Come forget him it's been 5 weeks" - Jeff said

I'm trying..- I replied and get in the car

While we're at the mall they were looking at few things to get I was standing at the corner when then I saw bible on the corner of my eye wearing our couple shirt with his girlfriend.. I looked at them and my heart stop to beats..does he still love me?... looking at them I can saw on bible's eye tiredness,pain.. I started feeling that he still love felt to weird..

"Oi phi look at those borito's stan let's get some" -barcode tap my shoulder I nodded

While we're buying I saw bible standing on the corner of the dress clothing store nearby the borito stan where we buy.. my heart.. I-.. 

"Enough.." - apo said

I was tearing up..?

"Look at you.. you're crying..again!.." - apo said and gave me a hug

I'm such an idiot..

I started hugging him back and crying on his shoulder.. why am I so idiot and thinking he still love me..

We sat on the branches chair nearby the fountain

"Hey let's catch up on movie sometimes I heard that there's new movie coming" - mile said 

Sometimes we will...- I said

"When will be the movie coming out?"- apo asked

"Maybe December 1st" - job said

December 1st?.. but that was my...... operation day..

S-..sure I'll be home now.. see you tomorrow guys.. - I said and left

While walking I past the 7/11 I saw bible and his girlfriend arguing

"This shit I wanted to end!.."- bible yelled

"You want to end it right now!? Fine let's see if your boy-.."

"Hey buiild" - arjhon showed up and waved a hi on me on his car

H..hey..- I said

"Hop in?" - he asked me

I'll rather walk..thank you..- I said and then walked out he kept following me

"Let's catch up on the upcoming movie on December 1st alright?babye" - he said and drove off

I was so shaking.. it's only September..14.. and I'm so nervous..

I kept walking in tears it's started raining

AHHHHH!... agh..*sniffing sniffing* why me..wh-why.. 

I lost my balance and fell down..

Then an umbrella came out of nowhere

"Yelling wasn't helping anything do you know that..Build?..stand up I'm getting you home.." -

That voice..
He helped me up I looked at him and my vision started blurry only thing I can remember that he got me on his arm..

I woke up on unfamiliar big bedroom

"Hey good morning" -

My head and my vision wasn't clear yet.. I still has headache

"Don't asked you have headache cause you get socked wet on the rain last night" -

W-..who are you..- I asked

He hand me a medicine and help me drink it.. but I still can't see who he was I fell asleep again

I woke up and my vision was cleared I look around the room and I saw my picture with some guy?.. I stare at it and then.. Cled?!my childhood friend!..

"You're fine now build here food" -cled

C-cled? get more handsome than before - I said and we both chuckles

"By the way why are you crying yelling on the rain last night" - he asked me curiously and sat in the sofa near his bed I was in
I ended telling him everything

"I'll help you"

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