CHAPTER 18 (Room 108)

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"Room 8 will be transferred to room 108"-man 1
"But he's been in there for months"
"Hes still talking to himself"-man 2
"I heard that that his boyfriend is dying and thats why he's unstable"- man 2
"I don't actually care,all i care is to make him stable again"- man 1

3 hours later

"Sir you need to drink this"- man 2
" Wasn't stupid." - ..
"But sir you need this" - man 2
"I'm fuckng stable don't you see?" - ..
"Then why are talking to yourself??" - man 1
"Cause you fckng inject something in me  you fckng btch"- ..
"What did you inject to him??" - man 2
"Oh something special.'' - man 1
"You coulf have killed him!" - man 2
"You will shut up if i did this" - man 1
Man 2 injected project 6 to man 1 that was make him loss his mind


"I think we need to take him home mile" - apo
"We can't apo"- mile
"We can." - apo
"Now drive me there" - apo

A few hours drive mile and apo reach to the mental hospital

"Excuse me you couldn't enter here" - security
"Yes ofc we can,we have a patient there" - mile
"Oh fuck you" - apo

Apo and mile catch and tie the security and broke in,apo know that there is something wrong going on inside, and after 2 days build will be fly to go to texas for some treatment,they went inside and after a minute they hear some whispering
"I think we need to inject him some more of t-"   apo punch him and yelled "where is bible" the man point to the room 108..

They tied the man up and go inside the room108 they saw bible unconscious,his mouth is bleeding too
They saw some needle and stuff

"Finally you're here,welcome to room 108." - man 1

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