Chapter 9

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Hanseok would of died, but he was saved.

Which had meant that I had to do something. The new objective had told me to kill this husband of mine. Yet I had no idea how. More so I was petrified that I'd be the first to die instead.

Yet I was slightly at ease knowing that Vincenzo was going to save me. Had this meant I had already completed the objective of seducing Vincenzo? However I hadn't even skilfully seduced him as my attempt had shut down the moment Hanseok entered.

Though I was pretty sure the next time I were to see Vincenzo would be never again, I waited for him. I sought for a little freedom, I mean I wasn't even allowed to exit this luxurious apartment of mine. Which would of seemed exquisite, if I wasn't stuck here by myself. Rather sadly, I was forbidden to even set foot outside never mind the outside world, I was not permitted to go in the garden which makes me lack my vitamin D. However Hanseok tells me to chew ten carrots a day or stir fry a dozen bell peppers. Which in it self is still bad for me as too much of everything is harmful.

Moreover I had also debated that I needed more fresh air since I was deprived of it. And Hanseok was always so busy to take me out. Yet Hanseok stated I should open a window. Which is also stupid because he has safety locks on the windows, so I can only open it to a certain amount. This husband of mine fears I'll escape this hell hole. Which he is right about yet it angers me since he doesn't trust me. But I also do not trust him.

I mean I would of trusted him if he didn't hurt me or his brother so much, furthermore the fact he's a killer. You can't trust a killer.

Hanseok had came back pretty early. Recently, since he had been announced as the real Ceo of Babel, he had been arriving home late. Continuously and continuously working non stop, I was quite happy about that since he wasn't at home alot.

And Hanseok seem to be enjoying it too, he seemed to enjoy the spotlight he had been having recently. Alot of people started coming out and shit posting Hanseo, saying how it was obvious that there was someone puppeting him. They'd say that Hanseo was too dense to master such well thought plans. And Hanseok enjoyed that praise and how his brother was degraded by the media. I'd try to tell Hanseo all of it was a lie, but the media's words mean more.

"Lay get ready, wear something nice." Hanseok spoke as he entered the room.
"Why?" I asked.
"Don't question me and get ready." He spoke as he walked off. I decided to obey what he said as it would be the utmost beneficial for me.

I dressed up in a formal black dress that had puffy sleeves. I looked marvellous. I had my hair in a bun and littered myself with golden ornaments. Throwing on the lightest make up I walked to the front room where Hanseok sat. He looked at me. "Fire. Wow you look like fire." Hanseok spoke as he eyed me up and down, "Everyone is going to be jealous of my wife!" He boasted in excitement
"Wait are you going to tell the press that I'm your wife?" I questioned.
"Ofcourse if women know I'm taken they won't hit on me." He spoke narcissistically. I lightly chuckled. And we made our way to the limo.

As we exited the limo, we were met with the countless of paparazzi. Hanseok took this as a chance and slithered his hand on my waist. The paparazzi went wild. "Sir sir who is this?" "Is she a lover?" "Who is she?" Numerous of questions were asked that revolved around me. "She's my wife, Jang Y/n." Hanseok smiled as he led me towards the opening of the building.

"Now go sit next to Myunghee and Han." Hanseok whispered in my ears. I nodded obediently and sat at my place. We were in a theatre kind of hall except we weren't here to watch a play. Ofcourse we were here for Hanseok.

Hanseo performed a speech and Hanseok arrived on stage. As Hanseo walked off the stage he stood to the side. Hanseok barely made a sentence before the screen behind him turned to a video. I didn't pay much attention to it yet I knew it was something that's was a big hit on Babel. Totally caught off guard, I then witnessed an entire bucket of red stuff drench Hanseok from head to toe. Following his glare I noticed it was towards the top of the hall. Looking , I also spotted two familiar faces, Vincenzo's and Chaeyoung's. They, in synchronisation, blew a bubble with their gum and popped it. They looked so cool. It seemed like Hanseo thought so too as I analysed his gaze. Though I slightly felt a little sorry for Hanseok, I enjoyed this.

I classify that it's It's pay back since he kept me locked up, confined in sadness, and left in solitary. It made me feel ever so slightly more happy with my situation. Karma is gonna hit Babel back like a boomerang. What comes up will come down. And Babel who rised so high is gonna go down.

I trust my life with this Vincenzo.

(I had to update this, I wrote this chapter when I was half asleep, I even re read it and found no grammar errors. Yet I decided to reread this chapter in the morning. I had a stroke reading it, like omg the amount of errors. There were countless places where it didn't make sense. Like "What comes goes and Babel is gonna go down", that makes no sense whatsoever. I don't know what half asleep me was thinking.)

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