Chapter 10

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I wanted to do something productive yet there was nothing to do. Vincenzo hadn't come back and Hanseok was out. Though there was countless times I could of killed Hanseok, I never did. I could say it was due to the fact he was way stronger than me, however it was because I reeked with cowardice.

I couldn't kill him no matter how much I wanted to. Not because I loved him, that would make me a masochist. Yet it was because I had never killed anyone before. It wasn't an expertise of mine like it is with Hanseok or Vincenzo. I'm not a killer. Had I ever planned or thought of murder? No. So how can I muster up any courage to do so?

"Y/n, are you there?" A voice called out to me. Almost easily, I could recognise it. It belonged to Hanseo.

"Hanseo!!" I yelled in ecstacy.
"Y/n!" He yelled back to match with my energy.
I locked my arms around his neck and pulled my body onto his, giving him an everlasting hug. "Wow. Look at you, you look tired." I laughed, smacking his back which caused him to wince a little.
"Ah..." Rubbing his back which stung from my slap, he grabbed my hand. "You know... you're husband has been giving me a hard time." He laughed.
"Ofcourse when has he never." I giggled.

"Hanseo let's go out together... today." I pleaded. Sweat formed a little on Hanseo and he lightly tugged open his tie. "I... I can't... you" He stuttered.
"Then atleast call him and we can ask. Pleaseee..." With minutes of pleading and giving him the "puppy eyes", he finally agreed.

Therefore we called Hanseok and awaited for his reply. Part of me knew Hanseok would disagree with the idea. Infact all of me new that Hanseok would say no. Yet I just pleaded that maybe a miracle would occur.

RING RING, RING RING. Went off the phone.

Within a minute, Hanseok answered.

"Can me and Hanseo go out. I promise I'll come back safely... Please?" I begged which Hanseok pretty much loved.
"Huh really? Why with him?" Hanseok interrogated.

"Because you're not here and I'm bored... I need some fresh air."

"Well then." Hanseok thought for a second or two. "Fine. Go." He spoke sternly. Mentally, I exclaimed in happiness. Physically, I remained calm. "Thank you. Have a great time in your job. Also goodbye." Well safe to say.... miracles do happen.

As I cut the call, I jumped happily.
"Finally!!" I bellowed in euphoria. Alas, I was free from Hanseok. Usually he was always with me when I went out. It was boring since I was so afraid to have fun. Now I get to have fun with Hanseo.

"Where should we go?" asked Hanseo, grasping his steering wheel and driving us through town.

"Hmmmm.... The mall. I wanna buy things." It was the first place that came to my head.

"Sure. I'll pay." Hanseo offered. I would of declined it if I had money on me. But I didn't have any, so I let him.

I mean... he did offer.

"Great let's go to erm Gucci." I had never been to Gucci. I guess I was scared Hanseok would judge me. Not because he hated Gucci, but because I thought he'd of thought I was a money waster. Which I am not, but sometimes you have to treat yourself. And if someone offers, take the money.
It's free. Free money.

"Sure I guess." Hanseo shrugged like it was nothing. Typical rich boy behaviour.

As we entered the shop my eyez scanned the luxuries. Purses, skirts, coats, jewellery, outfits, shoes, everything.
"It looks very...." I spoke.
"Expensive?" Hanseo questioned.
I nodded.

"Let's go check out some coats." I spoke. Only because we didn't have to go to the fitting room to try them on. I was afraid to be away from Hanseo. Perks of being isolated from society. Moreover if we do loose eachother in the mall, Hanseok won't be very optimistic.

"Sure... try this on." Hanso threw a coat at me.

"Hmmm it doesn't look too good..." I shrugged, taking it off.
He kept handing me a collection of different coats until I fancied one.
"Ah this one.... this I like it." I smiled which he returned.

"Finally. Anyways I'm hungry. I'm kind of craving ravioli. I know a place where they sell delicious ones!!" Hanseo explained.
"Sure sure. Let's go there then I guess."

Getting in the car we drove off to the place. "So erm when we get to the restaurant, you sit inside and I need to just go somewhere for a second." Hanseo said to me.
"But if something bad happens then Hanseok will-"
"Don't worry. I assure you nothing will happen in this place. I know for sure." Hanseo reassured me.

He seemed so confident nothing would happen, therefore I believe him. He was so good at making me change my mind.
He parked infront of a wore down building. "Alas we're here y/n." He smiled.
"The Geumga Plaza?" I questioned as I looked at the sign in confusion.

"Yes the Geumga Plaza." He spoke dreamily. "Now let's go get some food."

(Ahhh so basically based on true story ig.)

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