You're a fool, my mind had told me. I sighed knowing that the part of me, who had scolded me for the past minutes, was simply just right.
I'm just waiting for your heart to break to the maximum level, so I can prove you wrong.
Again, I exhaled my frustration. Pacing back and forward around the bathroom. Just a few minutes ago. I sat on the floor, curling myself into a foetal position inorder to cause some comfort. Just mere minutes ago. I lightly banged my head on the wall with frustration.
I just wished that what happened a few minutes ago was nothing more then just a horror dream.
Closing my eyes I tried to push away that vivid picture that will probably never leave my mind. Sighing sadly, I opened the door.
Blood transferred to the handle. The bathroom was in state of purity, it was so much more cleaner then the rest of the house. The rest looked like a whole massacre.
A whole massacre. It even smelled like a massacre. The smell too much of iron and too much of newly fresh bodies. My family.
I looked at the only other organism that was alive here other than me, my husband.
"Why?" I questioned him.
Just mere minutes ago, we were all sharing politics and our opinions. We weren't in a bad mood with one another, we were ok like always. So why now?
My sister was nice?What made him so angry that just mere minutes ago he killed everyone like we were in a slaughter house?
I slid to the floor and curled myself into a ball, the scent of blood strongly hit my nostrils from my hand. The hand I used to stop Ju Kyung's blood.
"I felt like it." He shrugged as he opened a new packet of gummy bears and began eating then. Grasping the remote, he turned on the TV to watch politics. The loud debate was on television and that was the only sound. Other than that, we both sat silently. I crawled to Ju Kyung and put her head on my lap again, closing her lifeless eyes.
Dammit. Fear slowly rised in my body and I felt my body getting slightly weak. If he just felt like it, must that mean he will kill me when he fucking likes? I frowned before getting up and walking to the door. "I am going to get fresh air." I spoke to which he nodded.
As I left the house I ran. Though I couldn't escape I just wanted to run to someone who would be able to comfort me. Hanseo left approximately an hour before the murders had taken place so I figured he might be home.
As my hand reached to call him, I immediately refrained myself. The whole massacre had caused me to forget how awkward our situation was. Because of the kiss, I couldn't find myself going to him. I was so foolish to kiss him.
I sighed before running again, and this time I was at Vincenzo's place. I hardly know anyone in this game so Vincenzo is probably the second closest person to me. I pressed my finger on his doorbell. I found it quite weird how the rich man is living in such a tacky appartment but I figured it may be due to mafia business. A few moments later, the door swung open to show the drowsy mafia man in silk pajamas.
"Y/n?" He questioned.
"He killed my family." I replied, entering his appartment and sat on the couch. As I looked at the ceiling, I spotted some glow in the dark stars. I frowned in confusion.
"Erm Erm those were from the previous owner..." Vincenzo clarified before I asked, I just nodded.
Silence lasted a while and I couldn't find myself speaking, maybe what I had to witness shunned my voice away. Thankfully, Vincenzo started the conversation instead.
"Are you here for revenge?" He questioned.
I shook my head.
"No I'm here for advice..." I spoked. Part of me stating not to say anything to this lethargic man.
"On what?" He spoke as he sat beside me, a bit too close beside me.
"You like him." He stated. I think what was scary was that by the way I acted, he didn't simply ponder. He didn't just wish to question his theoretical beliefs. He knew it just by my look.
"I'm still debating." I spoke...
Vincenzo suppressed curses as he looked at me with a false smile.
"Why.... why so?" He smiled and looked like he wished to kill me and honestly I would of let him.
"I don't know, that's the worst part, I don't know. Every night, Every day, I'm suffering, beating myself up about it on why I would ever like him... and the truth is I don't know."
Vincenzo look me right in the eyes and allowed me to rant. This is so not like Vincenzo.
"He killed my family. He killed everyone. My brother... My sister. He killed them because he wanted to and even after all that, I still have feelings for him? It's just me and him now.... and Hanseo too." I spoke, curling myself up again but this time on Vincenzo's couch.
"Hmmm wait." Vincenzo went inside
his kitchen for a few minutes I sat on the couch, assessing my thoughts.Not long later he came back with two slices of zuccotto. Handing me one plate he kept the other to himself.
"Deserts are the national serotonin." He assured and I took a bite of the Zuccotto.
"Well.... Vincenzo... I can't even trust him, he scares me. I fear him so much; I'm actually so surprised that I like him. I just feel that one day, whenever he wishes to, he'll turn his back on me.... and then I'll die."
I took a bite, however, the strong smell of blood crept into my nostrils again. I looked around, it was just me and Vincenzo. It was as if I were to relive that whole vivid scene again. Yet, Vincenzo snapped me out.
"Hmm. There's an Italian saying. 'Al cuore non si comanda'. It means love is blind, or you can't rule the heart." He began.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"A person may not see the faults of their partners like those around them might see it. Because they're blinded by love."
"So... what's your opinion about all this?" I tried to slightly change the topic. I didn't need Vincenzo to tell me how to love. I just needed advice on what to do, or what he wanted me to do.
"Well, I'll make this clear." He arose from his seat. "You have two options to choose from. And if you choose the wrong one, I won't hesitate to kill you when the time will come."
(Sorry for like biggg delays to update I've been studying.)

The Mafia Game Vincenzo AU
FanfictionA sudden car crash has got you living a life in crime. You've been sent to the Vincenzo Universe, who's to say when you can leave. Though you were planning to do nothing, a game always has objectives. Some which takes you days or even years to compl...