Chapter 15

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"Wait what? Really?? You're so amazing." I lied, a lump was stuck in my throat, I wanted to cry. Yet it was the tears that I hid since I was scared.

Vincenzo will not let this off, he will never let it off. Infact what if he gets back at me for revenge. Because it's clearly visible that Hanseok has some liking towards me, so therefore if he does something to me then it's possible Hanseok might have a reaction for it.

But Vincenzo will never hurt me right? I mean, he promised he'll save me from Hanseok so he'll never hurt me because of Hanseok, right?

However, I cannot simply just read the mind of a consigliere. It's not like his intentions will ever be the greatest, ofcourse that's why I can't trust him. And I have watched so many mafia movies, they always get revenge.

"Thank you very much, now are you ready?" He spoke as he held his elbow out so I could lock arms with him.

Hanseo still had stood there, shaken up and guilty, just like me.

What if Vincenzo takes his anger out on Hanseo, what if he hates him? Because his brother killed the consigliere's mother.

That'll never slide, is that why Hanseo is so scared? Because he feels Vincenzo will not help him?

"Ah now my wife, let's leave, we don't want our guests waiting." Hanseok repeated again and smiled at me. I hadn't realised that I had zoned out. And now Myunghee randomly spawned here.

"It's all done." She smirked. Was she always here???

Out of happiness, Hanseok grabbed her and they started dancing. Me and Hanseo stood there awkwardly. That's my husband dancing with another woman. Unfaithful motherfucker.  I looked at Hanseo and gave him a disgusted look which he returned. This old mf bitch tryna steal my man for real. Not that I care as I'm gonna kill him. Maybe this can signify my actions.

The four of us had finally left to the meeting room place. Which was legit in this house. I guess we were just waiting for Mr Han.

It was fun. Notice my sarcasm.

I sat beside Hanseok as I usually did, I didn't really need to focus on anything they were saying considering since I don't work for Babel. Moreover this consisted of me just zoning out, thinking. Thinking of Vincenzo and how he was feeling right now.

Woeful. Angry. Lonely.

Don't get the wrong idea. I don't like him and it seems he clearly is infatuated with someone else. Chaeyoung.

And I'm not jealous or anything about it, I just kind of feel guilty.
I was going to use him to get out of this game, seduce him when his heart belonged to someone else. Yet it's not my fault, I never intended for this to ever happen. I just want to get out of this game and see my mom again. My dear mom who would make me a bowl of rabokki everytime I stressed or when I cried from a break up.

Additionally, what makes me feel so worse is I was mad at my mum. I had argued with her before running out in anger, not paying attention to where I was going and then getting hit by someone. What was my mum feeling? When she found out I had been hit by a car, was she devastated? Because we had fought, and due to that it had lead to my sorrowful outcome.

Was she feeling guilty, because she rummaged through my belongings. Telling me off for going to a party and not notifying her about it, knowing well she still would of said no. Did she regret not minding her own business?

But that was one time. And mother spoiled me. So I would act impulsively. I had everything so I had the right to live my life how I wanted it to be.
Is it mothers fault for spoiling me?

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