Chapter 11

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"Alright Y/n... how about you order the food... I just need to visit somewhere." Hanseo spoke.
"How about we order later. I've been waiting for the day where we get to chill together. And I wanna look around this place." I offered again, I really wasn't comfortable with him just leaving me on my own like this. I mean it hurt felt so off and something told me that someone I knew was going to pop out of nowhere, causing a controversy.

However, what I said seemed to catch Hanseo of guard, he panicked. "You already said....No no... I'm hungry.... but I need to do this urgently. If you order now... the food will come quicker." He whined. Yet how could I possibly say no to such a puppy. As he continued to bug me, I eventually gave up. I mean I was pretty hungry so was Hanseo.

I entered the Italian restaurant as Hanseo walked the opposite way. Making my way to a chair, the waiter and chef approached me. "What would you like?" He asked me.
"Right sir... I want two plates of ravioli with a glass of champagne.... there's someone else with me... but he'll be here a second"
"And for desert?"
I had a sweet tooth and I didn't care about calories today. It's a fun day with me and Hanseo.
"Hmmm every desert you have."

The chef's eyes widened in disbelief. "Really??? Well I shall immediately get it all prepared." With a bow, the chef ran to his kitchen.

30 minutes had gone buy and the chef was still cooking. Hanseo was still not back which had caused worry in me. Did he get hurt? Or lost? Did he forget about me? I fidgeted with my thumb, grasping my phone, I was about to call Hanseo. But I didn't. Hanseok was able to access my phone through his and did so everyday. If he were to see that I called Hanseo now, it would raise suspicion. He might get mad since Hanseo had left me or worse. Who knows what he would do to Hanseo and maybe me. I wasn't willing to take a risk. Moreover, Hanseo said he would be in this building. If he didn't arrive in an hour, I'd search for him.

This building isn't as big as Babel, so I would be able to find hime eventually.
Another 30 minutes had passed by, making it an hour. Hanseo still wasn't back and the chef had still not made all the food. Therefore I left a not on the table, telling him that I was going to come back and that I was going to look for my friend; he's somewhere in the building and was also going to pay.

Leaving the Italian restaurant, I began to search other malls. There were countless here. Convenience store, a tailor, a dance studio. I looked around checking every shop yet he wasn't there.

"Ugh... this is the last place..." I sighed. Looking at the shop, I realised it was a law firm. The gigantic sign read Jipuragi Law Firm.

"Please be in here Hanseo... please be here." I pleaded. I was tired and hungry and I don't like being tired or hungry.

Knocking on the door before opening it I did spot Hanseo.

"Ah Hanseo! It's been an hour!" I spoke, angrily. Stepping inside, I was about to throw myself at the man however something had stopped me.

"Ah wait you're the girl who fought against Babel-" I turned around again to see someone else.


"Hanseo... why is Vincenzo here???" I asked.. slightly confused.
Hanseo pulled me by by arm before whispering in my ear.

"Y/n... Y/n I found our saviour"

"Who?" I whispered back.

"These lot.. they'll help us.. just trust them.. trust me."
I nodded, I was aware how these people were like. Infact Vincenzo had already offered to save me.

"Ah Hanseok's wife," Vincenzo greeted me.
"Just call me y/n. I'd prefer that so much more."
"Wait Hanseok has a wife?" Chaeyoung asked in shock.
I nodded frustratedly. It would of actually been really convenient if I had just shifted into the body of a store worker. Not the wife of a psychopath.

But life gets you back in such crazy ways, aren't I right?

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