Chapter 19

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Hanseok slammed my head against the wall, an aching feeling started to diffuse through my entire scalp.

"You think you're clever? Escaping me?" He spoke again, yet even though he had questioned me, it was clearly obvious he didn't want an answer. Because the answer was clear, I did think I was clever. I thought this plan was the most smartest I had ever scripted because I thought noone would die this time. Like how my brother had effortlessly died in this monsters hands the time before. Now, here I was, surrounded by not just one corpse but four.

You know what's the worst? They had nothing to do with any of my plan. This monster just took his anger out on them.

I'm so distraught and I feel stupid because this was all my fault. And I couldn't stop it. Here I was, structuring a perfect plan with not a perfect way to avoid the obstacles, hence causing the death of these four bodyguards.

Grasping my head due to the immense pain through it, Hanseok forcefully grabbed my cheeks with his hand, digging his nails so deep I expected there to be a new fresh wound.

I breathed heavily as he forced me to look into his eyes that were filled with so much distaste.

Not distaste of me but the distaste of me leaving him.

"I won't let you go so easily. I love you too much to do so." He spoke, an emphasis with the word love.

Hanseok would continuously state how deeply infatuated he was with me, his showing of love so much painful then love should ever feel.

Hanseok had never had such a horrible childhood, what thrived him to become a horrible man?

"I'm sorry." I weeped, like I had done every time I made him mad. "I'm really sorry." I pleaded.

Yet a simply sorry hadn't satisfied his anger. He was already filled with anger entering this house for some unknown reason, now with me escaping, those four bodies hadn't allowed him to let out all his rage. Now he was after me.

Hanseok then proceeded to to beat me, ignoring my pleads and apologies. If he was going to beat me, he should of just killed me instead, like he did to my precious brother.

The front door opened.

There stood Hanseo, his face looking so innocent before his gaze caught the massacre infront of him. His eyes widened in fear, as if he was never used to his brother's aggression fits.

Hanseok gazed at Hanseo before looking back at me.

Hanseo is the closest thing to a brother to me since mine had died. And Hanseok knew that.

The corner of Hanseok's lips lifted as he walked towards his brother. No. No. No.

I grasped the wall beside me to assist me to stand up. "No- no please no!" I yelled as I limped towards Hanseok.

Yet I was too late, Hanseok's fist met Hanseo's stomach in a rapid speed, the smile on his face still remained.
Hanseo let a yell of pain as he fell to the floor.

As I reached the side of Hanseok, my hands uncontrollably hit his shoulder. "Please don't." I kept slapping him lightly as he kept kicking his brother harshly.

"Don't hurt him. Don't kill him please, just kill me instead. Kill me. Kill me!" I yelled at him.

Hanseok stopped and looked at me.
I looked ugly. A velvet liquid trickled down my forehead, drenching itself all over my face. The loss of blood made me feel so faint, yet I hadn't realised since I was too busy pleading this monster to stop.

My body seemed to be covered in bruises considering how he kept beating me. Ugly.

"Are you crazy? How could I ever kill you??!" He spoke in anger yet worry, so bipolar. So nauseatingly. "You're all I have sweetie, I can't kill you."

But he completely allowed himself to hurt me.

I fell to the floor as I contained my screams of frustration but let my tears flow. My phone randomly buzzed off.
A voice spoke out which Hanseok and Hanseo both had no respond to.
"Would you like to play The Love Game."

I look around to see if any of them reacted yet they didn't. Looking around in confusion, I pressed yes, expecting not much to happen. And nothing did.

I stopped thinking of that useless game pop up ad, I was supposed to be sad. Tears flowed down my face as if my eyelids were a broken damn, I sobbed violently. The headache that flowed through my head pounded the walls of my skull all of a sudden. I clasped it in pain. The pain lasted in what seemed like forever. Out of response, I closed my eyes and all went black.

I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital. I prepared myself to see the terrifying face of that man I was married to. Yet instead, I was met by the unfamiliar face of a woman.

"Oh Y/n, how I missed you." The woman spoke as she embraced me.

"What? What happened to me?" I spoke, abruptly but also confused.

"You were hit by a car, don't you remember?" The women questioned. "I'm your mother, Y/n. It's me."

She ran and called for the doctor. "She doesn't remember me!" The women cried to the doctor as he began to examine me.

"Wait where's Hanseok?" I questioned the women as I feared he may be near by.

"Hanseok?" She replied with worry.

"Yes my husband."

"Y/n... you don't have a husband... you're only 18."

My eyes widened with confusion but soon an eye-to-eye smile formed.

I was free. I was free from Hanseok. Even if I didn't know whose life I was in, I was free from Hanseok. For what seemed like years of my life, had I finally ever felt so free and happy.

I escaped that abuse that I went through nearly all my life. From my mother, my father, my husband. For the years I lost of my life since I was 18 and forced to marry such a Narcissistic man, here I was, 18 again. Able to live my life happily with this women who seemed to be more motherly then mine had ever been.

All my prayers and pleads, all of it had finally come true.

End of Alternate Chapter

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