There, The Mirror Lies

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She lived for complete thirteen years, alone, caged in her own lone house. She would love to see the sun, yet it disappeared from her own eyes. According to others, she is barely seen inside her house. If they ever see her, they think that something good might happen to them.

In other words, she gives luck if people sees her.

How come they consider her lucky if she don't consider herself as one? 

Locked inside her lone house, she wants to find a friend. The word 'friend' has a totally different meaning from its original meaning in the dictionary. To her, a friend is not a person who will accompany you to any obstacles, or comfort you in any sad situation. Yet, to her, a friend is most likely a soul which can accompany her, until death. 

Now, she lives for twenty years, exactly. It's her birthday.

She roamed in the lone house, full of dirt and spiders. She wants a friend before her destined death, her twenty-first year living in the real world. She want to feel 'loved' and 'cared for'. She opened several doors, and none surprised her. Plain doors found everywhere, some dusty, some clean. Yet, she found none.

There was a door, neither clean nor dirty.

She stared at it hard, wondering what's inside. Even though it looks just like the other doors in her lone house, it deeply captivates her. She wonders why. Due to her curiosity, she gathered all her courage and turned the doorknob slowly. It creaked a little as she gives it a light push. Her heart pounds faster, excited yet nervous.

As she opens the door, there lies a mirror. A mirror, ever so colorful, your eyes would even sparkle. Curious once again, she walked near the mirror. If she takes a better look at it, it looks like a room of a normal living boy. 

"Hello?", she says with such a frail voice, you would think the mirror itself was talking. She was expecting a reply, but none was received. She waited for so long, saying hello a thousand of times.

"Hello?", she once again said, and a boy replied. "Hi?"

She stumbled backwards, surprised at the unexpected reply. The boy looked deep in the mirror, as his eyes went wide. He also stumbled backwards, nervous. "W-W-Who..", he stuttered, scared.

The girl giggled, as she inhaled, "I'm Anna. It's a pleasure to meet you..?", she asks him. He stood up and smiled. "I'm sorry for my appearance, Anna. I'm Ren." 

Awkward silence befalls unto them.

"U-Uh..", he suddenly stutters as he continued, "Where do you live, Anna?"

Surprised, she asked the reason why would he ask something like that.

"It's because, in your reflection, your place looks so worn out.", he frowned a little.

She smiled, "Don't even know. It's a secret~", she winked at him. He blushed.

Days passed by like that, they've grown closer to each other. They don't know the truth of each other, whether one is lying or not, they trusted each other. They don't know their feeling for one another, yet deep inside, they knew they loved each other, truthfully.

Alas, the day of her twenty-first birthday arrived.

She entered the room where the mirror lies, and she found it completely dark. She went near the mirror, as she looked closely. The light from this room comes from her most beloved mirror. Now, the mirror looks broken and a simple mirror appears. Sad, she cried hard and shouted, "Ren! I want to see you!"

The mirror's image altered, as his room finally appeared. Light scattered through the room, even through her heart. She smiled and looks up. She was so happy, she could at least see him before he dies.

"I'm sorry."


The next day, the police gathered around her house, investigating on a case which happened yesterday, Anna's birthday.

In the room where the mirror lies, there was a 21 year old girl, lying cold in the dusty wooden floor, stabbed until death, surrounded by blood. Her hand was outstretched to a boy near the mirror. A 15 year old boy, reaching out his hands towards her, surrounded with blood. They were both claimed as dead after hours.

What became mystery was the cake. 

A cake lies just in front of the mirror, unscathed, uneaten, not moved. Candles are still lit, the cake's still clean, despite the blood. A clean knife lies beside the cake, no fingerprints found.

The mirror was also clean, yet corroding.

The police decided to postpone the investigation and left the house. 

As the mirror broke, a little girl named Anna smiled at the couple's death.

"I have two friends. Lucky me."

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