i - just anya

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Nothing in Republic City has been the same since the vines took over. Entire buildings covered, no, invaded by spirits and giant vines that won't budge no matter who or what hits them. What a great idea, right? Humans and spirits living together in harmony?

Load of crap is what it is.

Things were tough as it was around the city before the almighty Avatar Korra decided to let the spirits run wild (without the support of the public or any sort of warning). The Triple Threat Triads had their own problems, and they really didn't need these vines making everything more complicated. After Amon had taken Zolt's bending at the anti-bender rally, the Triple Threat Triad was shaken, with several benders too afraid to step up. Viper had attempted to take charge, but Anya of the Fire Nation had other ideas.

It took everyone by surprise when a young firebender rose from the ashes to claim leadership. And now, the youngest leader in the history of the gang sits in the boss's chair. Sure, the Triads had seen better days, but the whole giant spirit monster debacle threw a wrench in the majority of the upcoming plans, and, of course, the vines have screwed up any semblance of normalcy. The last year has been spent dealing with too many small problems (who knew leading a gang would be so tedious?), but the dust has finally begun to settle. Anya of the Fire Nation is just beginning her reign, and everyone knew she was ready to bring her fire to this town.


"Boss..." Two Toed Ping's voice is only loud enough to be barely audible from the other side of the door.

"Boss, are you there?" It was louder now, with a hint of anxiety in it.

The door opens slowly, with a bit too-loud creaking noise, and Ping's head begins to creep into the dark office, craning around the door to look into all corners.


A small fireball hits the wall beside Ping, barely missing his head. He retracts and yanks the door closed, shouting "Sorry!" from the other side.
This is a normal occurrence: an operation draws too much attention, the guys freak out, and then come running to Anya for help. Now it was down to figuring out what the ruckus was all about. A normal occurrence, sure, but still a very annoying one. Ping knew better than to bother her this early in the morning...this had better be good.

Ping jumps when the door swings open.

"What's going on, Ping?" Anya asks with a sigh, somehow towering over him despite being a few inches smaller. Something about her presence is enough to make even the biggest triads shrink. Maybe it's her confidence, or her firebending...or maybe she's just the boss.

(Although, she did have to secure the seat somehow.)

"Sorry to bother you, Anya, but it's the avatar. Someone tipped her off and now she's with the police chasing our guys."

"Is that so? The avatar?" A grin creeps its way onto her lips as she contemplates the options. She could stay home and wait for the cops to come to her, or...she could go to them and make a new friend* in the process. Decidedly, she flicks a hand up with a flame cupped in her palm, the light flickering in her amber eyes, "Guess I'll go join the fun."

*Enemy. Anya had no interest in making friends, especially with the avatar.


As her silver convertible cruises down the streets, Anya notices a certain kind of tightness in her chest. Not the same feeling brought on by a brawl or before facing an opposing gang member...although that feeling could more accurately be categorized as exhilaration, and then, her chest usually didn't feel tight; if anything, she felt freer than ever in those moments.

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