xii - once more

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It was winter time, almost two months since Anya had arrived at the island.

The air was cold and there was some snow falling over Republic City already. It sure was coming down this year - Anya had never seen this much snow, only in pictures from the north and south pole. It was cute, but Spirits, was it annoying to manage.

The courtyard had to be shoveled at least once a day, and each time it felt like it was more and more. It wasn't all that bad though, she had gotten to do with Korra, Jinora and Ikki.

Things with Korra were...good. The two had been sleeping in the same bed pretty consistently now, and each time they're less and less sneaky about it. It was known by almost everyone that they were "together," even if it wasn't official.

Today, Korra had to go take care of some avatar duties, so it was just Anya and the girls.

"Soooo, how are things with Korra?" Jinora was one of the first to know. She had it figured it out before Anya did, but Anya soon learned that Kya picked up on it first. Anya should've known.

"Pretty good! It's been a good couple of weeks."

"You guys look so cute together! Do you hold hands and kiss and give each other special presents because you love each other?" Ikki was as curious as ever.

Anya squats down to Ikki's level and gathers a bit of snow in her hand, "Well, Ikki, those are my little secrets." She winks and sprinkles the snow over Ikki's head.

"It's snowing!!" She jumps and catches a few flakes on her tongue, already moving on from her question.

Anya giggles and goes back to the path she's made.

Soon enough, Ikki's voice rings out once more, "This is taking forever! Can't you just use firebending to melt all the snow away?"

"I could, but that would be cheating, and that is bad!" Anya says the last part in a very Tenzin voice, very mocking too. "Besides, wouldn't it be easier for your aunt Kya to waterbend it all away?"

Jinora sighs, "Dad told her not to. We tried it last year and we never got anything done because Uncle Bumi kept starting snowball fights."

Anya nods, "That sounds right. But look, we're almost done! Only a few more minutes, right Ikki?"

She airscooters past with her shovel, clearing an entire new path.

"Hey, no fair!" Anya shouts after her, running and scooping her up when she gets to her. Anya spins around with her a few times, her screams of laughter getting louder by the second. She sets Ikki down and she wobbles dizzily for a moment and Anya ruffles her hair. "Come on. We're almost done."

The three keep going for a little while longer until the entire courtyard is clean and snow free.

"Whew, that was a workout." As chilly as it was outside, Anya was a little warm. She was a firebender, after all, and her inner fire didn't tend to go out.

Jinora perks up, "Can we go get some tea? It would be great for the cold."

"Eww, I don't want tea, I want hot chocolate!"

"Okay, you two, how about a little girls' trip to Republic City for tea and hot chocolate?"

"Yes! Let's go right now!" Ikki was already running towards a sky bison.


The trip was short and sweet, and once they had landed near the pro-bending arena, they took a walk around the city, admiring the satomobiles and the tall buildings. Every corner had spirit vines coming out of the ground and wrapping up streets.

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