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Mal' s POV

I'm just coming into the man's nest as Bose opens the door for me.

"Oh hey Bose!" I say while walking in with him.

"Hey M I have a question will you go on a date with?" He asks me

He said what!?

Chapa' POV

WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY! He can't just go around and ask people to go on dates with him especially Mal she's mine I mean I don't care. I did not just think that.

Mal's POV

I know I will never have a shot with Chapa cause for some reason she hates me.

"Ok I'll go on a date with you Bose!" I tell him

"Yes thank you!" He said hugging me

"No problem plus I think you're cool but you have one shot so don't blow it ok." I told him pointing at him.

"Ok I promise I won't let you down!" He said then ran off leaving me with Chapa alone.

"You know he only wants to take you out cuz he feels bad that you're so ugly!" Chapa says getting closer to me.

"What no Bose isn't like that!" I said.

Chapas POV

I get closer to her and push her into a closet locking the door.

"Have fun trying to get to that date Mal!!" I say while laughing

"No Chapa let me out please!!" She begged but I just ran away.

Mal's POV

I can't believe she would do this to me God why did I have to like her.

"Someone please let me out please!" I screamed eventually someone opened the door and it happened to be Bose.

"Oh Bose thank god you saved me Chapa locked me in here and I didn't have my phone thank you!" I thank him

"You're welcome but why would Chapa do that?" He asks

"I don't know but come on let me show you something." I grab his hand and take him to my house I set him down on my bed.

"Cool room you have M." He says

"Thanks I designed it myself it took a while but I really like it." I said while getting on his lap

"What are you doing?" He asks his face getting red.

"Nothing I just want to make it up to you." I tell him. I start to make out with him he puts his hands on my hips making me move. I was about to take off my shirt when I hear the door.

"Ugh I'm coming!!" I yell I get off his lap and go to open the door.

"Chapa' what are you doing here?" I ask her

"Nothing just checking by!" She says then Bose comes down stairs.

"M I have to go my mom called me see you later bye Chapa'." He says we'll getting out then I look at Chapa' who is glaring at Bose.

"You ok?" I ask her

"Yeah can I come in?" She asked once I closed the door she pushed me against the door and said.

"What do you think you're doing with Bose huh don't you know that I own you!"
Chapa says through her teeth

"No you don't plus Bose and I were just playing around nothing serious." I explain

" Also nobody can ever own me I am my own person I'm not some stupid tou you call dibs on!!" I told her upset that she would just say I was hers like I wasn't a human.

Then Chapa started making out with me as she picked me up and threw me onto the couch.

I wrapped my legs around her waist as I was slowly grinding on her as are lips never left each others.

Chapa started to slowly unbutton my shirt her hand immediately wondering around my bare body. Because I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Are you sure about this I mean we only just met and don't you hate me?" I asked out of breath.

" Yes I'm sure I've liked you since I saw you walk in! I just don't like showing my emotions in front of a lot of people." Chapa had whispered the last part but I still managed to hear it.

As she was about to take off my pants the door before I stoped her.

"Let's just make out for now!" I put my arm on her back pulling her in. Lips in sync and arms around one another.

Wow I felt like I was living the lesbian dream making out with my crush on the couch with no shirts on. I really hit the jackpot with her.

We ended up making half way up the staircase when the doorbell went off again. We kissed a couple more times before I went to open it.

I was surprised to see an old friend of mine who I thought had passed away. I felt like I wanted to faint and I also felt extremely sick to my stomach.

It was........

Cliffhanger sorry y'all I just had to do that.

Chapa× Mal  (enemies to lover's)Where stories live. Discover now