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Hey so lately I've been getting a lot of hate comments and messages it's hard enough for me to write chapters and deal with a bunch of fucking hate while I'm dealing with a lot of stuff outside of this.

If you don't fucking like my book and how I accidentally spell something wrong don't be a dick about nicely point out. Nobody is forcing you to read the fucking book so just leave if you don't like it this isn't fucking second grade anymore which is how some of you act like it is!

Grow the fuck up cyber bullying isn't ok leave me the fuck alone I already have enough bullshit going on I don't need a bunch of haters on here too! The more hate I get the more reason I have to quit because it is draining me every time I see someone leave a hate comment or making fun of me because I spelt something wrong!

I never thought I'd have to tell a bunch of strangers before I told my closest friends that I fuck have dyslexia so leave me alone I'm trying my hardest to spell good. All to just wake up and have my phone blow up with a bunch of hate messages and people telling me I should kill myself!!

And for those who have been so nice and have been here from the beginning thank you I'm finishing up the next chapter and it's very angsty. And I have an upcoming book and I will be releasing what it's about in my next chapter.

For those who have been so nice towards me I've followed you back thanks for the support.

Have a wonderful rest of your days love you all goodnight ❤️❤️.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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