Not today maybe later

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Mal's pov

Why won't you stop!!?? Just leave me alone!! I cry screaming into the phone.

Oh stop being a baby you let Tara take the stabs. So how about this time you take them!! Sam yells at me

Please don't Sam I'm sorry I really am!! I apologize over and over.

Then Sam comes out in a ghostface costume and runs straight at me with a knife at me she pins me down

Stabbing me over and over again.

Stop please!! I manage to get up and I run as fast as I can I see Tara up on the balcony so I run to warn her.

Tara help me please your sister had gone crazy!!! She grabs me and puts me behind her.

Tara stand back I don't want to hurt you!! Sam yells at Tara.

No Sam your turning into your dad I'm ok now you don't need to hurt Mal!! Tara pushes me a little bit to much that I slip and I have to hold on to the railing.

Tara help me I'm going to fall!! I yell

Ok Hope can you hold Sam back please!!

I'll try.!! Tara grabs my arm but it makes me slip a little bit.

Tara please help me!! I beg

Hold on tight ok. She tries pulling me up but my arms are filled with blood.

Third person point of view

As Mal is holding on for dear life. Right below her Hope is trying to distract Sam but looks like it isn't working.

Mal don't look down ok keep looking at me here grab my other hand!! Tara warns her.

I can't I won't make it I'm going to die all because I broke up with you I really am sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt in any way!! Mal says trying to clear the air.

We're not talking about this Not today maybe later when you survive !! Tara yells while tears are running down the girls faces.

Tara you need to let me go I'm ready.. Mal's says peacefully excepting that she might just die.

Yeah Tara let her go!! Sam yells from below them.

No are you crazy I'm not letting you go!! Mal starts slowly letting go of Tara's hand.

Mal's pov

Tara let me go I'll be fine ok!! I yell.

No I'm not letting you go I love you and I can't lose you!! Tara says

I know but I'll be fine you just need to trust me  and if I do die gut that bitch like a pig!! Tara nods her head and let's go of my hands.

I feel my self hit the ground. Not even like 2 minutes after I fell down Sam got on top of me and tried to stab me I held her back till someone came inside surprise surprise it was . 

What the fuck get the hell off of her!! Chapa yells . Sam gets off of me and runs away. Tara comes down and running towards me.

Mal are you ok!? Chapa

Yeah yeah I am. I get up and look for hope. I was fine till I found her body.

I drop to the ground with tears streaming down my face I hold her in my arms.

Hope stay with me please come on the ambulance is coming soon you're going to make it just please don't leave me your all I have left!! I cry.

M-Mal everything is going to be okay. She manages to get out.

Chapa× Mal  (enemies to lover's)Where stories live. Discover now