Uncle Hambone

210 3 6

Mal's pov

Everything finally went back to normal! Well not everything , everything because lately chapa has been more clingy lately and it's annoying Lexi its distracting! I complain to her as we walk in.

Hey baby look your gonna hate it at for first but then you'll love it I promise and your gonna miss it. Lexi says while winking at me.

You're funny Lexi. I fake laugh while opening the door.

Damn it's cold in here! I say shivering a bit.

Here have my jacket. Even though I told you to bring one! Lexi says about to take her jacket off before Chapa came over.

She doesn't need yours here take this one! Chapa says handing me a dirty coat.

Thanks Chapa! I fake smile holding the coat with two fingers disgusted.

You're welcome. She says grabbing my waist pulling me in for a kiss.

Hey Mal I'ma go Lynn wants to meet up right now! Lex told me excitedly while looking at her phone.

I pull out of my kiss with Chapa her lips going to my neck. My hands going to her hair and neck.

Aww already come on let's go to my room and play games or something!! I beg her trying to pry Chapa off of me which was clearly not working.

Nah I'll talk to you later plus you look a little bit busy later babe! Lexi yells walking out the door.

Chisel! Miles called so chapa pulled away from me to give it to him.

Chisel! She repeats while handing it to him.

Man saw!? Miles called out again.
Man saw! Mika repeats handing it to him too.

Well all looked at it confused before Ray came in.

Why is it freezing in here I'm trying to get a man tan!? My dad asks coming here with a white tank too and shorts.

We turned up the temperature so Miles ice sculpture doesn't melt. Mika says.

Yea he's entering the Swellview ice sculpting competition. Chapa added making her way towards me.

Mal did you know about this? My dad asks me as chapa wraps her arms around my chest.

Of course not I just came home! I responded putting my hands on top of chapa's.

Mal I told you to stop coming home late.!Ray complains.

Yea yeah! I wave him off. He scoffs at my childness.

Anyrays i want you to go find me my man bag and man-spray. He points to me then the door.

Fine but when I come back I want five dollars ready for me to take!. I demanded while walking away.

It took me a while but I finally found the stupid stuff he asked for as if he needs a fake tan.

When I went back to the couch I found everyone scared of my entrance as if I just killed someone.

What what's wrong? I asked them. They all just looked at ray as if they were telling him to tell me something.

Well I just wanted you to leave I didn't know that we actually had those but thanks anyray! Apparently they were.

Huh no wonder it took me forever to find these stupid non existing items! I call out in a understanding tone.

Yea I'm sorry bout that baby but he wanted to say something that he didn't want you to know. Now come on look at the sculpture! Chapa says the last part excited.

Chapa× Mal  (enemies to lover's)Where stories live. Discover now