The words I hate the most.

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Mal's pov

She loved me all this time I never even knew. Me

Wait you never saw the way she looked at you? Ray

Looked at me like what? Me

Amy would always look at you with love while everyone was looking at her she would always look at you. Miles

Wait did you say love!? Chapa

Yes? Miles

Doesn't she have a husband and kid!?

Chapa can I talk to you in the other room?Me

Fine. Chapa

I grab chapa's hand and take her to my room I lock the door.

What's wrong with you why'd you get mad? I asked her annoyed of that she's been acting.

Of course I'm mad I'm just now learning that the girl you were so close to was in love with you! Chapa yelled at me.

She wasn't ok and even is she was I'm in love with you not her. I grabbed Chapa's hands smiling at her.

I love you too baby. I pulled her into a kiss which obviously led us to making out.

Two Hours Later

Sorry we took so long we had a disagreement. Chapa lies

Yeah cuzz you can't agree that Amy is well was not in love with me. Me

Then how come everyone else notices how she looked at you with love and you couldn't even realize that. Chapa

We just got done discussing about this Chapa! I yelled at her.

Ok both of you enough! Bose

Why Bose this would have never happened if you never asked Mal out!!Chapa

Hey don't talk to my baby Bosey like that! Me

Or what you know what I'm glad Amy died so I can see you suffer in pain you're a whore just like your mom and dad guess it just runs on the family huh! Chapa

I know she was just letting her feelings out on me and being called a whore never hurt me and that's not why I was crying it was because she said I was just like my mother.

Chapa's pov

Shit I went to far this time I can see the tears in her eyes but I can't seem week it's like my brain will no longer listen to my heart.

I am nothing like my mother. My mom and dad are both not whores and if you can't see that then I don't think this is going to work. Mal

Well good cause I was only using you to get some money if I'm being honest with you. Me

What the hell take that back I love her I love you. .

What? Mika

Chapa that's so uncool. Miles

You better be joking. Bose

Well I'm not. Me

Mal's pov

I ran out of there and I went home.

For the last 2 weeks I've avoided chapa' and I'm planning on it staying that way.

She hurt me in a way I never thought she would have.

It's funny how quickly the person you love can become the person you hate in matter of seconds.

I didn't go home since I shared it with Chapa I ended up sleeping with the twins. Mika constantly comforting me all night as I cried about what happened.

I fell asleep with thought on my head that Chapa really was just using me.

Was that how she really felt? Did I make the awful mistake of trusting her and loving her?

I mean this wouldn't be the first time this has happened.

Chapa's pov

I laid in the big bed I shared with Mal. She hadn't come home in 2 weeks the house is so cold and the bed feels so small and empty without her.

I should have never said those things to her. I know I'm not using her I love her even if she hates me now I'm still going to love her.

I closed my eyes hoping tomorrow would be better then these past two weeks have been.

I drift off dreaming of me and Mal getting married when we're older.

A/n night night y'all

Chapa× Mal  (enemies to lover's)Where stories live. Discover now