Normal day in Mansnest

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Mal's pov

I was sleeping on Bose's desk till chapa came in.  She looked at me then got her coffee and was talking to schowz about something.

See the reason we're not talking is because we got into a fight and we'll we're both stubborn and won't apologize to one another.

Anyways Bose Mika Miles and my dad walked in with an area that says happy. I hate it whenever everyone is there so I go on my phone later Bose comes and sits down.

M you like are new fits? Bose asks me

Umm they look weird not to be mean. Me

Of course you do you just think you're so perfect and everyone else is in the wrong huh you like that don't you!!?? Chapa yells at me.

I never said anything about people being on the wrong and I'm not perfect. Don't scream at me I did nothing to you and those words I told you yesterday were out of anger. And I'm glad that boy stole your self phone!!!! Me

Oh you did not go there. You wanna play that card ok two can play at that game your mom is a slut your dad deserves to die. You're siblings left you because you're annoying you make people feel dumb and useless!!! I loved you but now I don't cause your a bitch your also so clingy and you talk so damn much like shut up no one cares we're done for real this time just kill yourself already!!!! Chapa

I feel tears stream down my face and I feel a huge lump in my throat. I just keep my head down and get up.

I have homework to do and it's due tomorrow If you guys need me you know we're I'll be. I say in a sad but low voice.

As I walked out I could feel them staring at me in pity. And I'm not mad because everyone knows not to get involved in a fight between me and Chapa.

Chapa's pov

Did I take to far? I ask

Yes you literally told M to kill herself and that she should just shut up cuz no one cares!! Miles

Mal's pov

I didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day till I had to go to Colby's house.

Oh hey M guess what Chapa finally agreed to match with us. It took us a while but it finally worked. Bose says in excitement.

That's nice. I say quietly

Where are you going? My dad asks me

Oh Colby's he wants to study bye. I say with my head down.

Before I leave I can hear chapa.

Wait can we talk? Chapa asks

Maybe later. I say not looking at her

Once I got to Colby's house I go in sense I have a key and let me tell you the Maddens made my day.

Hey babe what you doing here? Colby askd

Oh I needed to get out of the man's nest it's just way too much. Me

Ok come on let's go to my room. Colby says taking me up the stairs.

When we get to his room I break down on his bed.

Hey what's going on I haven't seen you cry this much since I drank your mountain dew?! Colby says trying to make me laugh

I'm sorry bubs I can't laugh chapa yelled some mean things and it's all stuck in my mind and with the death of ***** it's a lot you know. Barley being able to talk calmly.

It's ok look I understand about the death of ***** but chapa shouldn't have yelled at you. Colby

I know right well I have to go home now I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you. I say getting my back pack.

It's ok maybe you can tomorrow bye. Colby says getting up to hug me.

Bye. When we pull apart from the hug we look at each others I eyes and we kiss.

I just leave and run to the man's nest.  I collapse on the floor when I get there.

Whoa what's wrong with you? Mika asks

I ran from Colby's house. I say out of breath but still standing up.

Why would you do that? Miles asks

Well me and Colby were hugging and then the next thing I know is I'm kissing him and well that's to much for me to handle so I just ran. I say

You kissed him wtf we just fought then you go and kiss him!!! Chapa yells getting off the couch

I'm going to bed night y'all. I walk out in a rush

As I'm getting ready to sleep chapa comes in with a look of anger and sadness.

You kissed him after we fought why? She asks

I'm sorry I went over to help him I had a mental breakdown. He helped me we hugged and then we kissed. It's obvious that we both kissed cuz a lot was going on. Me

Ok come here baby I hate fighting with you and what I said I was mad too and I'm sorry ok I love you so much and I hate causing you pain especially after you lost someone. Chapa apologizes while giving me kisses on my head.

I forgive you and I'm sorry too. I cry

Shh stop crying babe. It will all be ok soon. She says.

I feel a pain in my arm I look up and see her smirking I was about to ask why she was smirking till everything starts going black and I faint last thing I hear is chapa.

I'm sorry bear. Last thing I hear.

A/n what do you think happened. Also stay tuned my new project will be coming out later today.

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