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PROLOGUE: Parker Luck

Life's commonly described as one hell of a rollercoaster. But so far it's been going downhill, especially for these past few months for both Spider-Man and Peter B. Parker.

After the Green Goblin's apparent demise, The Spectacular Spider-Man became wanted for the murder of OsCorp's founder and CEO Norman Osborn. The news of Norman's death spread like wildfire, and made him an ambassador for mental health and substance abuse.

Days later, the New York Police Department has been ordered to arrest the web-slinging vigilante any chance they get, even ordered to use lethal force if necessary... to Captain Stacy's dismay. So, being wanted for the murder of the CEO of the biggest tech company in the biggest city of America wasn't the best feeling for the wall crawler.

As expected, the chief editor of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson, was 'jollier than a schoolgirl,' when he found out Spider-Man was a wanted menace. He's always been convinced that the vigilante was a menace, a part of a deep criminal conspiracy. It's been his fever dream, to see that wall-crawling menace put behind bars in Rykers.

Back then, when the Daily Bugle published attention-grabbing headlines about Spider-man, the readers didn't believe it. It was ALL Propaganda to them. The public didn't believe in a single word. They're convinced that the wall-crawler was their protector and hero.

However, now, readers look back to all the Spider-Man headlines and realize that they've been wrong, and the Bugle was on to something for the longest time. Now, majority were convinced that The Spectacular Spider-Man was a menace to the entire city. Before, the people of New York stood by Spider-Man's side, being their friendly neighborhood hero. Their days were brightened when they saw him swinging through the city. But with an act of murder in Spider-Man's hands, they've turned their back on him.

Some still held out hope for the wall crawling hero, because he's been framed on multiple occasions, so this could be the same thing. Mostly, this was what Spider-Man's number 1 fanboy, Flash Thompson, passionately believed.

Unfortunately, he was in the minority, because every time Spidey would swing around the city, citizens would ridicule him. One woman even proclaimed that he was no better than the criminals and villains he's put away. Several people didn't even want to be saved by him. They wanted to be saved through the law enforcement or firefighters, not by an unlawful vigilante.

And when Spider-Man saved them from harm... they're disgusted by him. Disgusted that a murderer even laid a finger on them.

The city that once loved Spider-Man, cheered him on during all his battles and supported him when the Bugle criticized him, now despised the Spectacular Spider-Man... no very helpful on his ego at all, so he didn't patrol the city that much... especially since crime's been awfully quiet in Manhattan.

Well, what else can go wrong? Highschool sucks, no surprise there- well actually, Peter enjoyed his classes, learning about new concepts every day... but socially, his junior year didn't end the way he desired it to...

First, to no one's surprise, his cheerleader ex-girlfriend, Liz Allan, hadn't spoken to him again since their breakup. At one point, she pretended he didn't exist and made no more tutoring appointments with him for the rest of the school year. Occasionally, they would awkwardly run into each other without a word said. Yet when Peter glared at the cheerleader, she seemed cheerful with her cheer squad, but he saw through her mask. Her eyes revealed it all. All the emptiness, heartbreak, and sorrow. It was all a charade, from her laughter to her fake smile. For the rest of the year, she put on that thick mask for the student body to show that she's perfectly fine, even though she was cracking at the seams.

Second, the main reason he broke up with the varsity cheerleader was his overwhelming feelings for his blonde and blue-eyed best friend, Gwen Stacy. He was in love with her as much as she was in love with him... or he thought he was. That's why they both planned to split from their current partners to be together. Awe! Isn't geek love cute? And so conniving...

However, that backfired SEVERELY, when Peter impulsively jumped the gun on splitting from Liz. He had to be honest with the poor girl, even though he had lingering feelings... but Gwen was right there in his reach, and he wasn't going to waste it. And Gwen was supposed to do the same with Harry.

However, after his father's passing, Harry needed support, especially from Gwen... so he reminded his beloved, and loyal Gwen, that she's the only individual that helped him stay away from his previous addiction, OsCorp's experimental performance enhancer: Globulin Green. And she could help him again from his temptations.

So Gwen didn't split with Harry last minute and Peter ended up with Casper... which was cute for a minute.

Speaking of Harry, the young Osborn heir distanced himself from Peter for the rest of the school year. He lost trust in his 'best' bud, after previously he overheard Gwen and Peter's plans. Now he knew who could he trust, and that he wouldn't trust Peter. He also knew that Peter continued to take pictures of Spider-Man, even though Harry saw the vigilante responsible for his father's death. That pissed him off, knowing that Peter wasn't loyal to him because of mere pictures. Obviously, they were uneasy around each other.

After all of that, Pete hit the rock bottom of the food chain at school. Sure, he had the beautiful red-headed Mary Jane Watson as his confidant, but she hung around Glory and 'the in-crowd' more often, which, to his surprise, didn't give him a hard time compared to sophomore year, except for the glorious Sally Avril.

Without his cheerleader girlfriend and his two best friends, he felt more alone than ever. Didn't help that on the Spider-Man side of things, Black Cat wasn't too fond of him either. Nobody was too found of the wall crawler or the King Geek these days. Oh, the misery.

And he thought summer vacation could save him from his misery. Usually, the summer was an exhilarating time for high school students like Peter. No school, no homework (unless you signed up for AP, then you played yourself), which meant no test to study for, which meant there was nothing to stress about. WAHOOO!

Last Summer, he would usually hang around Harry's penthouse, spend time at the beach with Gwen or go to Coney Island. Then, as Spider-Man, he would triumphantly patrol the streets of New York City, with the summer breeze making it all the better. Fun times...

But as of this summer, it was dreadfully uneventful. It wasn't the same. The people he'd usually hung out with, had other plans.

Mary Jane went to Florida with her Aunt Anna, Harry took Gwen to a trip in Europe for most of the summer, and there was a likely possibility that Liz would never want to speak to him again, so there was no point for Peter to reach out. So he spent his time bored, either busy with his chores or upstairs in his room.

Ever since being labeled public enemy number one, Spider-Man didn't patrol as often, because of the real chance of being ‌arrested or shot. If Aunt May found out, he better off dead. Plus, she'd have another heart attack and Peter didn't need that on his conscience.

So there was Peter, on the last day of summer vacation, isolated up in his room. He listened to the police radio and waited... Waited for some action to go down. Something to take his mind off his problems was what he needed. Anything, like a report of a robbery, a mugging, or if a cat was stuck in the tree. The smell of desperation reeked. And after moments of waiting, there was just radio silence. Peter thought Spider-Man was the solution... his escape. Yet sitting on his bed wasn't helping the fact.

However, Peter's steady optimism remained, albeit slipped a bit. He knew the recent months haven't been as spectacular as he hoped, but he knew that life will get better soon... It worked before, it had to work again, right?
