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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters, Marvel Characters, or anything from DisneyWorld... I just do this for fun :)

MAJOR DISCLAIMER: Aspects of this chapter are MATURE, so keep that in mind, especially with the language and violence. This will apply to future chapters as well.


'To think history would repeat itself with my family. But this time, I'm on this side of it... not inside my dad's office stuck in there, playing computer games... I wish I was still there.'

From the little amount of violent monster films the young Billy watched, he gathered that the giant monster with terrifying claws, razor-sharp teeth, and ferocious eyes ruled through terror and dread. At that moment, the blonde boy knew he'd fit right in. And he didn't need a mirror to understand why. He had that exact feeling of terror over everyone in his presence. His parents and his friends had this dreaded look painted on their faces.

Even with all this, he still felt powerless. Being a spectator in his own body. As if something else pulled his strings.

His mother anxiously called for him, "BILLY-HONEY, WE NEED YOU TO STAY RIGHT THERE!... OKAY?!"

Having heard her voice choking up and strain, pulled on Billy's heartstrings. He wanted to run to her and hold her tight. Nothing else in the world he wanted more. Not in his current state though, since his stomach thunderously roared, at the sight of these fragile people. Those urges kept picking at him, till it erupted into an overwhelming craving. Yet Billy resisted, gripping himself as long as possible, to resist these urges.

But it wasn't easy once his mother kept stepping closer...

And closer...

And closer to him.

She anxiously assured, "Billy... Billy, everything is going to be... okay–just stay still—just like that—you can do it, honey. I know you can..."

'Mommy please... don't–'

But he couldn't say a thing to warn her. Even if he wanted to. He couldn't speak, he couldn't fully control his movements. His mind kept spinning, and it never stopped. He frustratingly couldn't do anything he wanted, and he despised it.

That's the exact, wretched feeling he felt ever since he arrived in Orlando.

"Billy please-"

His resistance was slipping at that moment. He needed himself as far as possible from them. To protect them. Even through force. Once she took her next step to him, the creature salivated at the sight of it. But Billy took control, and mindlessly bounced off the walls of the basement, trying to find an opening. The moment the creature found an opening, it burst through the fragile room. In the distance, one of the final things Billy overheard was the fragile room collapsing on itself with panicked screams ensuing down under. At that point, however, Billy couldn't hold such resistance any longer, as the monster preyed on his weakened state, and took control. The humanoid reptile burst out of the house, and landed on the street, hunting for its human prey. Which in a bustling city like Orlando, there are many opportunities for munching.