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CHAPTER 1: Credibility

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.


Usually, during a school night, most high school students either work on homework, or a big project, or go out with their friends, and have some fun. Meanwhile, a small minority of highschool students, like Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, have to deal with something far more thrilling.

"YOU FRAMED YOUR OWN SON!" Spider-Man exclaimed in shock.

"I protected HARRY! If I were sent to prison, who would've made a man out of him... Just look at what he's done today... I've never been prouder of the boy," Norman proclaimed about his son.

"Who are you kidding? You were saving your own sorry butt, NOT HARRY'S!"

"Potato Patato, once you're out of the picture, I'll make everything right..."

"You would know right if you blew up your glider!" The Web-Head shoved the bomb on the rear engine of the glider.

'Beep-Beep-Beep-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!' Norman's glider blew a gasket. The blast plunged him into the deep pool of his own goblin bombs.

'BAM-BAM-BAM-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!' Those explosives erupted with immense laughter, with Norman Osborn in the vicinity. His son helplessly watched in horror from the helicopter.

"DAD!" the boy's voice strangled. Peter gazed up, horrified at his act towards the Green Goblin.

'What have I done?..'

The next few days, the Daily Bugle would proclaim in their newspapers, like it was Gospel.


Then during the eulogy of Norman Osborn's funeral, Harry weakly proclaimed,

"Nobody understands how that substance can affect you. All my father needed was help... but Spider-man didn't help him. He's no better than the freaks he's put away!"

Then the world around Peter went dark. Shattered like glass, everywhere he turned. Till something came crashing down on him, and knocked him out.

Suddenly, Peter woke up restrained by his own thick spider-webbing. He repeatedly tried to escape out of the thick webbing. His brown eyes darted in every single direction, but there was nothing but darkness. There was nothing he could do. Every move to escape from the thickening web has faltered. The web responded ‌and suffocated his whole body. It restricted him from doing what he desired.

And Peter grew tired. He gave New York his all, every single spec of himself, to his beloved city.

But there was something in that empty dark void. It was a tiny glimmer of light that was seen. It wasn't even a hallucination. However, the dark embodied someone.

"You should've seen this coming, Pete!" A voice emerged out of the dark.

The voice sounded familiar to his best bud, Harry Osborn.


"I thought you were different from the rest, Pete. People thought you were different from the rest. You were their savior. You were my best bud. Now, people are going to see who you really are... Spider-Man," Harry expressed.