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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, I do this for fun :)

MAJOR DISCLAIMER: Things will get a lot more mature from here on out. A tone shift, especially with stronger language, and violence.


For a moment in time, everything froze for Peter Parker.

His body stood there, paralyzed, like his entire world crumbled right there and then.

His eyes exploded out of its socket.

His ears heard a piercing ringing.

His heart skipped a beat. It could've stopped beating for a moment, he couldn't tell.

All this, because one of his greatest fears was right in front of him. Harry was a goblin and knew of his secret.

The masked Harry taunted, "What do you've to say for yourself, Pete?! There's nothing to hide behind, anymore!"

Peter confronted, "Well, you're not very good at hiding behind your mask—Harry! Even with that voice modulator and stupid mask! Figured it out in 2.5 seconds!"

Instantly Harry sneered through his mask, "Who cares?! This is about you. Its always been about you. Since you're the one who LIED TO MY FACE FOR ALL THESE YEARS?!"

"Harry, listen, I'm really sorry about what I did. I still regret it today... He's still your dad"

"Sorry... isn't going to bring him back from the dead, Pete"

"I know that. I–uh–"

"I know you know that. You get it, more than anyone else, I know... so why would you keep this from me, huh?"

Peter stood there, speechless.

"Don't just stand there, all innocent, alright. Tell me why?---WHY PETE?!"

Then Peter saw Harry's hand clench his flaming sword. He could smell the burning iron in the air. With sword in hand, he pointed at Peter's neck.

"Or do I gotta force it outta you!"

Peter gulped at the sight of it.


"I am your friend, Har"

"That's another lie!" Harry spat, before he swung at him.

Instantly, Peter dodged the first swing by a hair. 'Phew!'

"These aren't lies!" Peter insisted.

Then that sword aimlessly swung at Peter again. Yet he moved so swiftly, not even the heat could touch him. 'Wow! Am I moving that fast?'

"Please Harry, I don't wanna fight!" he spouted while quickly dodging his attacks.

But he would not stop Harry's fury by being defensive in his approach.

Finally, ne noticed a weak spot in Harry's attacks—his sloppiness.

He overextended himself in some places. Tensed up in others. While over relying on that blazing sword.

"Did you not hear about the stuff your dad said about you? With how he's belittles you every chance he got!"

Harry still tried to swing at him near the edge of the rooftop, which left Peter was stuck... for a moment.

But Peter quickly dodged and swept him off his feet.

Before Harry could fall off the edge, Pete's hand held him up by his top.