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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters, Marvel Characters, or any of the Disney properties... I just do this for fun :)


During the breezy early Tuesday morning, Gwen laid awake on a quite thin mattress in the guest bedroom. Mary Jane wasn't far, sleeping on the mattress above. Unlike Gwen though, Mary Jane was sound asleep, on the Day-bed. 'How did Mary Jane do it? Is she always this laid back?'

Gwen felt quite uncomfortable, sleeping anywhere but in her own soft bed. Familiarity made it easier to sleep. Not like she didn't get glimpses of rest, but for most of the night, she was restless.

'It's weird we haven't seen Billy all day or all night. Did something happen to him?—Mrs. Connors didn't seem this protective of Billy before. Who knows, it's their business—who am I to bud in?'

Her eyelids drooped down, as the drowsiness kicked in, as she laid on her side, about to get some much-needed rest—


It startled her, when suddenly something distantly rattled from below. Her restlessness worsened, hearing the unsettling noises grow boisterously. 'HOLY—WHAT WAS THAT?!'

Her gut told her to stay in the room. Yet her curiosity told her otherwise. So she tippy-toed out of the room, and onto the creaky hallway floor. Her ear tracked those chilling sounds all the way to the dark hallway of the dingy basement. She took a deep breath, before entering the hallway. 'Are there no lights here? I should've brought a flashlight'

A few steps later, the blonde felt the basement door, so she put her ear to the basement door. Everything was quiet. 'Maybe I'm just hearing things—I shouldn't be down here anyways...'

Those thoughts changed when the sounds of growling, as the basement door violently shook. It startled her, making her stomach turn inside out. 'OH-MY—HOLY SH-'

She quickly stepped back, and babbled to herself, "Oh-my-god–oh-my-god–oh-my-god—what's in there?!"

Suddenly the constant disturbing noises went silent. Gwen heavily huffed and puffed, with her heart nearly pumping out of her chest. Without another thought, she wandered away from the door.

Till, suddenly, she heard the door eerily creak open. She turned to see nothing in the hallway's darkness. Unaware, something pierced out of the darkness. Bold-glowing eyes with pupils resembling a reptile. Those striking eyes darted around, with its snout sniffing, and its mouth snarling. Then its eyes locked onto Gwen, which instinctually she booked it. Instantly, on its two hind legs, it powerfully lunged toward her, ready to pounce on its next meal.

Before it could, an urgent Curt Connors burst in there, and tackled the creature. He held a large syringe and urgently stabbed it in its neck.

The biologist quickly checked on the panicked teen, "Are you hurt?"

She anxiously shook her head, wheezing.

Slowly in his arms, the creature bloodcurdlingly transformed. It twisted, jerked, twitched in his arms, till it reverted to his beloved son, Billy.

Billy lowly uttered, "Dad, it happened again..."

'WHA- OH MY GOSH! THAT WAS BILLY?! HE-HE'S—How could this happen?!'

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Gwen-"

She frantically interrogated, "What happened to Billy, Dr. Connors? What'd you do to him?!"