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PROLOGUE: The Osborn Impulse

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, I do this for fun :)

"Mr. Osborn, it's best to pinpoint this event that caused this recent meltdown you had..."

During that moment, Harry Osborn's mind drifted off to that dreadful memory of this year's Homecoming.

The Homecoming Dance would be such a rousing, anxiety-ridden time for most students. Especially scoring dates with someone you've crushed on for the longest time. So the young Harry Osborn believed he confidently could score a date with his own girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. His first love in his high school life, and he'd like to keep it that way. Sure, he 'pulled strings' for her to stay with him, but for the sake of love. So much, he made her a homecoming poster, for the sake of the Senior Year spectacle!

"GWEN STACY, WILL YOU GO TO HOMECOMING WITH ME?!" in big bold text painted on enormous green poster paper.

Harry envisioned nothing else but the idea of his blonde girlfriend, in a tight beautiful dress, as they had the time of their lives on the dance floor. He impulsively unveiled it to her, and to the huge crowd of students surrounding them.
His heart skipped a beat, forming an enormous grin on his face, once she gave a subtle nod to his proposal. The young man secured his own date with no help. Sure, he brought Glory Grant to the winter formal once, but he was just a rebound for Kenny Kong... But his beautiful Gwen was the real deal.

The next few days felt like mere moments till the highly anticipated dance. It was riveting for him with his hormones racing at an all-time high.

Finally, that day crept up at him, as he waited by her front door, with the corsage nearly slipping out of in mind his sweaty hand. The nerves were getting to him, especially pondering the possibility that her dad, Police Captain George Stacy, would give him 'the dad talk.'

However, the instant Gwen Stacy stepped out that door, his worries disappeared. His jaw hit the floor, blacking out for the slightest moment, still making out how beautiful she looked.

Harry gasped, "Man, was she a beauty!"

She wore a tight lavender silk dress, and a drop of makeup to enhance that beautiful foundation.

Gwen greeted, "Hi, Harry, nice tux!"

"T-thanks, babe. Ahem... you look great! Nice dress!"

She giggled, "I appreciate the dress you sent... it's really nice!"

"This is also for you"

"Thanks, Harry. The corsage is a cool touch."

"No problem-o"

Harry held his hand out and led her to the waiting limo, but sprung there to open the door for her.

"Mi lady."

His eyes noticed her smile at the gesture, which got him all giddy inside. So he kept going. First making sure she got in her seat, before quickly getting in himself. The luxurious limo started up and headed to Midtown Manhattan. He was ready for the greatest night of his life.

However, during the car ride, the awkward atmosphere between the two killed the momentum. The drive was filled with awkward glances, muttering amongst themselves and fiddling with their phones.

Harry asked, "So... is your father working tonight?"

Gwen answered, "Yeah, the usual late shift, patrolling the great streets of Manhattan... I guess"