Intro (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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I was a regular student who was technically reading my favorite manhwa until this happened

" " - saying





I opened my eyes to be greeted by a man "will you be my daughter", as I reached out to his hand out of desperation to get out of the slums "yes" I said meekly

"Aak" I woke up abruptly to the pain in my arm wait... where am I this isn't my room ... someone said, "Your finally awake, I prepared you bath" 

'Huh wtf did I do... wait why is my hair purple?' I looked at a nearby mirror and was surprised with what I saw whaaaaaaaat why is this face so familiar... could it be wait no no no no no I calmed myself down... that man so it wasn't a dream

"What was your name again" I asked, the maid said "Its Emily ma'am"

"Go get my breakfast I'm awake now" I said in a monotone voice the maid was shocked but left, I went  to the mirror and to my surprised I saw Penelope's face in the mirror but way younger 'this can't be happening to me I thought this happens in novels, I guess I've been reading too much novels... but this is supposed to be the OG Penelope's body not mine T^T i wonder what happened to my poor body ' I thought long and hard on why this could've happened to me... wait that shooting star i wished at 'nooooooo sh*t i thought i wouldn't happen... but damn I'm pretty'

Suddenly the Emily barged in my room with my food "your food is here madam", she said "I hope you enjoy it" she smirked, i saw a slop of food which couldn't be considered even food, ew is this what Penelope suffered through all these years, Reynold you damned bastard.

"Emily," I said coldly, "how long have i been here" 

"2 years ma'am" she said

One year huh if Penelope was adopted at twelve then i should be fourteen by now.... this should be a... good thing i guess i hope the past year the OG Penelope didn't do anything stupid 

I looked at my food and started eating it seeing i had no choice cause if i throw a tantrum the poor maid will go tell the duke and i might die earlier than usual so that choice is a big fat no same with forcing the maid to eat it aigooo my poor stomach. If i don't cause trouble my stepbrothers shouldn't be hating on me by the time of Penelope's debut

"urk" this is is disgusting, my hand forcibly started eating when the Duke arrived 

"What are you doing" he said, "Your Grace", Emily was shocked seeing him, oh god i never thought i would be happy seeing you

His eyes widened in shock "WHAT THE H3LL HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING MY DAUGHTER ALL THIS WHILE", "take her away" he said

"AAH wait im so sorry Your Grace" Emily begged while being taken out

"Are you okay Penelope" he asked, I forced a smile "I'm ok Father"

He looked shocked somehow, did hit the jackpot if i remember using Penelope's memories and according to the manwha/novel an incident happened a year ago thanks to reynold (i don't really know when this happened sorry T^T)






i hoped yall liked this

to be...... "continued"

I reincarnated as Penelope EckhartWhere stories live. Discover now