Chapter 4

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A/N: im backkk

-click clack-

"ahh~" i streched my arms "this is nice all of their intimacy went up thankfully i managed to coax reynold with food"

~flash back~ (why because i said so :)) )

Penelope's pov

-grumble grumble- "...." damn it got late fast just reading  "sighh i wanna eat some cake" i was currently at the library finding some books with valuable information I could get my hands on for spell books, fighting techniques, history books and etc. practically everything i could get my hands on why was i in the library you ask because i was trying to avoid everyone after sneaking out of my room

i got down from the stairs and walked around quietly trying to find the kitchen to see if i could cook something up since i didn't want to make problems for the chef

~8 minutes later~ 

Finally geez why tf is the kitchen so hard to find around this place damn my short height

i looked around and saw some ingredients "wooowww this place is heaven there is so much stuff here" looking around i saw some rice grains "thank you lord for this blessing" i geuss this world also has rice i've been looking for this shit i can't stand those tiny fancy dishes they keep on serving me sure they're great but i want to eat in large portions i got to worked grabbed some, after washing them i got to the stove

"how do you work this....."

after what felt like ages on trying to get it to worked i finally figured it out with some fire magic that i learned by hand yep this is progress "i miss my electric stove T^T" 

I found some pork and made some ~adobo~ which then smelled like heaven after i put everything together i looked heavenly now this is good food "thank you for the meal" but before i could eat someone barged in "WHAT TF DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" oh.... its reynold "i cooked because i wanted to eat im eating cause im hungry" "hahh watch your mouth rat even so who taught you how to cook" reynold yelled, oh shit shit shit what do i tell him oh right "my mom taught me how to cook edible food before she died" i lied but then he seemed to believe it ~grumble grumble~ dis he just- "pfft bwhahahahaha was did my cooking smelled to good for you" his face flushed bright red how cute "if you want some you could've just said so you little tsundere~" "...." pfft he's redder than a cooked crab i gave him a my bowl "here ya go" " huh?"

"didn't you want to eat here take mine I'll just get some more" he took the bowl and looked at it with hesitation probably since this type of dish probably isn't known in this world as he took a bite he chewed for a while before spitting it out "are you trying to poison me why is it so fucking salty" "duh bitch since your supposed to eat some with vinegar" "watch your mouth rat" "your the one who cussed first" i got my portion and some vinegar and put it in the table "try it" 

~30 minutes later~

"ahh im full~~" surprisingly me and reynold got along after some food and pep talk hihihihiii this dude is such a cute baby "are you gonna cook again?" he piped in huh... "probably why" "if so tell me then its new eating something like this" he got up then left

STATS: Victory

Mission acquired  reynold's tsundere side banished 

A/N: word count 592 byeee :))

I reincarnated as Penelope EckhartWhere stories live. Discover now