Chapter 5

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Penelope's POV

3 days later

My probation finally ended and I was now free to do whatever I wish "my lady, are you going to the library again?" Emily said

"no I'm going to the kitchen"

"if you're hungry my lady I can get the chef to cook something for you"

".... Hmm meh I'm gonna cook myself some food"

"eh!! My lady can cook"

"of course I can tf you think I am"

"I deeply apologize....."

Geez this girl didn't your parents teach you some manners and not judge people by its cover besides this body is Penelope's anymore

After a month a had finally accepted the fact that my body in the modern world might be dead soo... there is no way out unless I finish the game I think and since there is no more boxes that pops out for me to talk I can speak my mind wheeee anyways I found myself in the kitchen and made some sugar cookies I found in a recipe book while fumbling around in the library I'd say its not to bad even back then cooking was always my hobby. Making them took longer than I thought and gave some to Emily "what do you think?"


"is good?"

"it tastes amazing my lady"

"hohoho~~ ofc" (UwU) she looks like a kid....

"can you give these to reynold I think he is the training grounds" I said pointing at the bigger portion I specially picked them out for him knowing Reynold can eat a lot after a lot of cooking and talking hohoho~ apparently we might have the same appetite which got my attention now he's my favorite brother while derrick was nowhere to be seen probably avoiding me which I don't really mind I hate seeing his face anyways the duke on the other hand.... Well I never saw him after the probation ended like I said I.don'

"of course my lady"

"oh and give this to the duke and the young master im sure they're just in the duke's office" I then grabbed a plate and placed some cookies "thank youu~~ I'll be in the library if you're looking for me~~" I got out of the kitchen with my share and headed to the library

Emily's POV

"I never thought the lady could cook so well~"


"o-oh he-head butler what brings you here"

"what is that your holding I don't remember asking the chef to make those"

"oh right!! The lady made them" I said with enthusiasm

"the... lady made this..."

"yes she is such a wonderful cook"

I grabbed the cookies quickly and then headed to the training grounds where the second young master was

"young master!! My lady has sent you some cookies she made"

"really!! gimme"


I stood at the door that was the literal barrier between me and the duke...

Knock knock

"your grace it's me Emily"

"come in" a deep voice

My lady was right the duke and the young master is here

"sighhhh did Penelope cause trouble again" the young master said

"uhm... my lady did not cause any trouble actually I came here because she asked me to deliver you some cookies" I said while holding the plate in my hand higher

"cookies? Why would that brat give us some cookies are you sure they're no poisoned" –derrick

"shh derrick mind your manners" –duke

"tch" –derrick

"my lady actually made them herself and told me to give you your share...." Damn their scary...

"so it is poisoned" –derrick

Somehow anger rushed at me "Of course not young master it is actually quite delicious and the lady has talent for this!! Eep!!" I quickly shutted my mouth before I could say anything to anger them

"really then what has she been up to after her probation?" – the duke

"my lady has always been in the library and the kitchen even sometimes with the second young master (Reynold)"

"hmm.... Is that so?"

"its true your grace"

"ok then put the cookies on the table you may be excused"

"yes your grace"

I quickly put the cookies on the table and left

The dukes POV




Hwahahahahha cliffhanger :))))) byee (657 word)

I reincarnated as Penelope EckhartWhere stories live. Discover now