Chapter 6

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Reynold's POV

"Reynoldd~~~~" a familiar voice said

"huh what are you doing here aren't you always it the library penny?" it was my young sister Penelope although before she suddenly changed i refused to call her my sister or even dare call her a nickname but now its just seems right

(i stan reynold as a sibling hehe~)

"hehe~ can you teach me how to wield a sword"

"what's gotten into you now first you know how to cook now you want to wield a sword" to be completely honest I don't mind teaching her but why does she want to learn now

"um.... for safety purposes i want to learn it so that i can protect myself~"


quick shift to penelope's thoughts

phew he believed it technically it wasn't a complete lie since i might need it to protect myself in the future god know how much i might encounter

3rd POV

"haaahhhhhhhhh~~" penelope sighed as she picked up the sword she was using for the past 5 hours "one last.. huff huff

"are you sure you've been at it for 5 hours you got a good amount of progress" her older brother Reynold chimed in

"I guess so.... let go again tomorrow hehee" penelope said while giggling she was really happy with her progress and found out she was skilled with swords and polearms 

"oke next time don't wear dresses though"

a tint of red washed over penelope's face "of course i knew that hmph i just thought of learning this now"

"ok ok see ya tomorrow oh and those cookies you made tastes great" reynold then left

"hmm.... what is that brat up to now" a dark figure of a man left after observing them to for a while

(try to figure out who dis man is :))) )

Penelope's POV

I finally arrived in my room i plopped down on the couch "haa~ i will never get used to the size of this place" 

"my lady i have prepared your bath"

"ok then you free to leave Emily. get my dinner though"

"yes my lady"


"my lady here is your dinner,.... shall i do your hair?"

"okay oh and by any chance can you get me 10 pairs of outfits for training"

"what kind of training my lady"

"swordsmanship" hehe i grinned widely as her face turned into shock

"s-swordsmanship training my lady b-but isn't that for men..."

"how so haizz just get me those outfits by tomorrow morning and don't tell father oh and you may leave get my plate and go i can brush my teeth by myself"

"of course my lady excuse me"

haiiizz that girl finally left now i can actually finish reading these books i smuggled from the library :P 

the next day~

"oh she actually got me the outfits" just by looking at it make it look more comfortable than dresses


Penelope's outfit (i couldn't find anything else T^T just pretend the red part is pink and its for kids)

Penelope's outfit (i couldn't find anything else T^T just pretend the red part is pink and its for kids)

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"ohh you actually changed into those" Reynold said sarcastically

"shut upppp lets just startttt" 

ok bye chapter 6 is done :))

I reincarnated as Penelope EckhartWhere stories live. Discover now