Chapter 9:

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The T-Birds were still looking for Abby, it was now 10:30 at night, but they did not want to stop. They needed to save her. They arrived at an abandoned house with 2 cars parked up front, one black and one white. "I think they're in here." Sonny says as he taps Danny's shoulder.

"No shit Sherlock." Danny grumbles.

The guys knew that Danny was angry and so were them, of course. Kenickie gave him an assuring look saying, "It's ok, buddy".

"Come on fellas." Danny ordered them.

They all got out and ran up to the front door, Danny tried turning the knob.

"Damn it's jammed." Danny swore.

"Wait, back up for a sec." Kenickie said moving Danny out of the way.

"What are ya doing?" Danny asked.

Kenickie took a deep breath before kicking the door down, leaving the guys amazed and impressed.

"Kung fu master!" Sonny grinned.

Kenickie quickly gave Sonny a smirk.

"Come on guys." Danny said.

They ran inside and down the hall. It was damp, dark and creepy. But The T-Birds didn't care or weren't scared, they wanted to save Abby. Danny saw a metal stick lying on the ground, so he picked it up before looking at his best friends.

"Let's go boys." He spoke.

So they creeped out of the hallway and walked down the badly dimed light hallway, the guys could literally see Danny's knuckles turning white. Kenickie walks close to Danny.

"Danny, listen to me." Kenickie whispered. "Don't take it out on the boys."

Danny stopped to look at Kenickie.

"Are you telling me how to control my feelings?" He asked.

Kenickie looked at him dumbfounded.

"Guys? We have to hurry." Putzie's innocent voice snapped both Kenickie and Danny out of their thoughts.

So Kenickie lets out a deep sigh.

"That's what I thought." Danny said.

Kenickie clenched his jaw.

"Let's go, fellas." Danny said, before walking again.

They followed him.

"Guys, I think she's down there." Doody spoke as he pointed at the last door, down the hall.

Danny motioned his head, to indicate the boys to follow him. So they quietly walked down to the last door and Danny slowly turned the doorknob to see the stair leading down to another closed door.

"Alright," He said quietly. "Let's go boys."

They quietly and slowly walked down the creaking steps.

"Ok fellas, you boys save Abby while I deal with the creeps." Danny orders them as they nod their heads.

Once they made it to the last step, Danny slowly touched the doorknob, gripping it tightly.

"1...2...3..." Danny counted as he swung the door open.

He saw Abby tied to a chair with a gag over her mouth, she let out a muffle of screams.

"Shhh, we're here to save ya." Danny shushes her as they untie her.

"Abby, my father said that Eric is still in custody." Sonny assured her.

"It wasn't him." Abby cried. "It was them!"

Danny scooped Abby up in his arms.

"Them?" Doody asked Putzie.

Just then they heard a bang from upstairs and footsteps coming down the stairs, slowly.

"Shhh, everyone stay still." Danny said, gently putting Abby down and slowly walked up to the door.

Once Danny walked out of the room, one of the kidnappers attacked Danny.

"Ahhhhh!" Abby screamed.

"Zuko!" Kenickie called out.

There were more guys coming, so the T-Birds started fighting them while Putzie hid in the back of the room, protecting Abby.

"Who are ya creep!?" Sonny asked angrily.

"I'm one of Abby's special friends." One of the kidnappers said with an evil grin.

Sonny knew what he meant and felt really ill. But before he would do anything, he was smacked to the ground while letting out a grunt.

"Sonny!" He heard Danny called out.

They saw Danny beating the life of the last guy standing. I mean, REALLY beating the life out of him.

"Danny!" Abby screamed.

But Danny just kept on beating the guy to a bloody pulp.

"Danny, Danny stop!" Kenickie yelled, pulling Danny's arm.

Danny pushed Kenickie away and kept on beating the guy.

"Hey!" They looked over to see a young man, around his late 20s', running inside.

The man quickly pulled Danny away, but Danny pushed him up against the rock wall causing the man to wince in pain.

"You better be the last creep." Danny growled.

"Oh God please don't kill me. I didn't do anything to her." The man pleads.

"Then why are you here?" He asked him.

"My job was to look out for you fellas." He replied.

"Well you failed miserably." Doody smirked.

Sonny chuckled to himself.

"But I did it on purpose." The man added.

"Lair!" Danny yelled.

The youngest T-Birds knew that the man looked like he was about to pee his pants.

"Danny, can I talk to ya." Kenickie said, stopping him.

"Right after I kill this freak." Danny said.

"Putzie do your puppy dog eyes." Sonny orders Putzie.

Putzie was always the master at giving the puppy dog eyes.

"Danny." Kenickie says again.

"Fine." Danny gave up. "But you better not make a move an inch."

"Yes sir." The man quickly said.

Danny and Kenickie walked out of the room to talk as Sonny stood up again.

"You ok man?" Sonny asked the man. "You're lucky Kenickie saved your ass."

"Yeah and he's the one who usually does the fighting." Doody added.

He just nods his head.

"What's your name?" Putzie asked.

"Evald." The man replied. "Evald Harlo."

"Evald?" Sonny asked.

"Yes, it was my grandfather's name." Evald told them.

"Cool." Doody said.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Evald. I'm Putzie, this is Sonny and Doody." Putzie introduced. "And those fellas who went upstairs, are Danny and Kenickie." He adds.

"I-it's nice to meet you fellas as well." He replied.

They knew that he was afraid of them.

"It's ok, we're not gonna hurt ya." Doody said. "Now are you gonna tell us why you failed to "Look Out" for us?"

"I have a good reason." He said.

The youngest T-Birds looked at each other.

"Honest." He added.

They let out a sigh before looking over at Abby who nodded her head, knowing that they have to hear his side of the story.

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