Chapter 12:

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That night, Abby wanted to read a new book that Danny's older sister, Donella Zuko, gave to her. It was a book called "Fifteen", it was about a handsome popular boy asking a girl out, who had never been asked out before or dated. Just then she looked up when she saw Putzie walk in, he smiled warmly. "Hi Putzie!" She said, setting her book down and sat up.

"How are ya feeling?" Putzie asked her as he sat next to her.

Abby gave him a smile.

"Ok, but I'm getting better." She replied.

"That's um...that's great." He said.

"Yeah." She smiled.

They smiled at each other, starting to feel nervous around each other.

"So uh...what'cha readin'?" Putzie asked, breaking the awkwardness.

Abby grabs the book.

"Fifteen." She told him. "It's about a popular boy asking a girl out, who had never dated or been asked out before."

Putzie smiled a little.

"My older sister has that book." He told her.

"It's a great book." She smiled.

"I heard." He said as they both laughed a little.

Then it got awkward again, so Putzie cleared his throat.

"Yeah, uh..." He started. "I um...I am really glad you're ok, Abby."

Abby smiled as they stood up and hugged each other very close. Putzie held her tightly in his arms.

"Thank you for saving me from my father, Putzie." She says to him.

"I'd do anything for you." Putzie spoke.

Abby smiled in his arms and then they pulled away.

"Where's the guys?" She asked.

"That's what I came in here for, to tell you we have a little surprise for ya, out in the backyard." He told her.

Abby looked at him confused.

"Take a look outside." He tells her.

Abby walked over to her window with Putzie behind her, she let out a small quiet gasp when she saw The T-Birds', the Zukos' and the guys' families in the backyard as well with a banner that read, "Welcome Home, Abby!".

"Oh my..." She whispers.

She looks over at Putzie.

"Come on." He said.

Abby cheerfully grabbed his hand as they ran out of the guest room and down the stairs before running in the kitchen and outside to greet everyone in the backyard.

"Welcome home, Abby!" Everyone cheered.

Abby smiled and had tears formed in her eyes.

"I am so...touched!" She smiled.

"Welcome to the family, dear." Diane said, hugging her.

She hugged both Diane and Dylan.

"We love you very much, kiddo." Dylan smiled.

Derek and his family walked over to her.

"I now have seven cutest sisters ever!" Derek smiled as Abby giggled while hugging him.

Anna hugged her tightly.

"Welcome to the family, sweetie!" She smiled as Abby hugged her back.

"We love you, Aunt Abby!" Archie said as he and Ashley hugged her.

Abby awed at them.

"Thanks guys!" She smiled.

Abby went to greet everyone else before running back to the guys.

"Putzie, guys, this is...the best gift ever!" Abby smiled as she hugged Putzie tightly.

Putzie held her tight in his arms.

"It's your party, kid." Sonny told her.

Abby and Putzie looked at each other, staring loving into each other's eyes, until one of the T-Birds cleared his throat.

"Uh, we should go mingle." Putzie spoke, snapping out of it.

"Yeah, we should!" Abby agreed.

The T-Birds chuckled at them.

"C'mon Abby!" Destiny cheered as she and the guys' teenage sisters excitedly talked to Abby.

The guys chuckled at their sisters, while Danny went to introduce Abby to the T-Birds' families with Doody and Sonny behind him. Kenickie saw Putzie staring lovely towards Abby.

"Putzie?" He asked.

But Putzie didn't respond.

"Yo Putz!" Kenickie called out.

Then Putzie finally snapped out of it and looked over at him.

"Huh?" He asked.

"You ok, Babyface?" Kenickie asked him again.

"Yeah, just glad that Abby's safe now." Putzie told him.

"You like her." Kenickie said to him.

Then Putzie looked at him.

"No, I like her as a friend. We're just...friends." Putzie told him.

Kenickie pats his back.

"Bro, I know whenever my Babyface is happy, sad, scared...or in love." Kenickie told him.

Putzie lets out a deep sigh.

"But she probably sees us as just friends." He told him. "Whatever, can we just forget about it please."

"You got it, my brother." Kenickie said as he straightened Putzie's T-Bird jacket. "But Abby is the right girl for ya."

Putzie looks up at him.

"Think about it, kid." He told him.

Kenickie gently nudged Putzie's arm before walking over to Abby and the guys. So Putzie thought about it.

"Maybe...he's right." He thought to himself.

So he mingled with the guests, but kept on debating if he had a crush on Abby or whether they are just friends.

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