Sorayomi - Last Night

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Nikei didn't consider himself a partygoer and had never attended a party as an active participant in his life. But after he came to Hope's Peak Academy, everyone was informally invited to throw a party in the building where all of the dorms were. This meant that he was dragged along too.

Like any new student who had never been to an actual party as a participant before - as opposed to observing parties with lots of grandeur in order to write an article - Nikei was awkward and didn't know where to go. Since he had no idea where to go, he stood off to the side and began to wander.

After a few minutes, he suddenly heard someone talk to him. "Oh, are you lost?" a white-haired girl who suddenly appeared in front of him asked. "Or do you just not know where everything is?"

"Uh..." Nikei didn't know what to say at first to this girl that boldly approached him, but he found his footing eventually. "Yeah, I just showed up, I don't know where things are. Plus, parties aren't my thing."

"Don't worry, they aren't mine either. I'm just here for the drinks," she replied with a small smile. "Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Sora."

"I'm Nikei. Do you know where the drinks are?" the journalist asked. In truth, he had never tried alcohol before, but he was curious and wanted to try and fit in at this party without humiliating himself.

"Yeah, they're over at the second floor lounge. Come on, I'll show you where they are," Sora replied, and she began heading down the hall and towards a set of nearby stairs. Nikei followed her closely, not wanting to lose sight of the white-haired girl among the sea of increasingly-drunk students.

When they went up the stairs and got to the second floor, Sora led Nikei down a couple hallways and to a room where a large number of students were gathered. Sora pointed to the table with lots of plastic cups and alcohol bottles on it, as if to say 'here it is!'

"Sweet, thanks," Nikei told her, and he went over to the table, grabbed a cup, and poured something from a random bottle into the cup. He took a sip as he stepped away from the table, ignoring how the drink stung his tongue as he enjoyed the bitter taste. He never did like sweet things anyway.

He had drank half his cup when he noticed Sora by his side with her own cup. "We should go off to the side and maybe wait for the alcohol to kick in before we go do something stupid. I asked my sister not to drink so she can rescue me at the end of the night, I can text her to rescue you too if you don't have anyone to pick you up," she offered.

Nikei paused for a moment, realizing that getting drunk with no one to back him up was a bad idea. "Sure, that would be great. Thanks," he sighed, forced to accept the offer of this strange girl due to his lack of options. They went off to the side of the room and sat down to drink. "So, what did you get enrolled here for?"

"Honestly, I'm a little tipsy and can't remember. I already finished my first cup by the time I found you," Sora admitted with a slightly embarrassed look. "What about you?"

"Ultimate Journalist, I write articles and run my own newspaper," Nikei explained, taking another sip from his cup. "So, um, are you planning anything after this? After you finish your drink, I mean."

"Well, Setsuka challenged me to a game of billiards, and I'll be damned if I pass up a challenge. Loser has to stand on the table and chug a bottle of rum. Wanna join us?" the girl invited with a smile. Nikei last remembered accepting her invitation before his memory blacked out from there.

The journalist woke up in a bathtub the next morning with a pillow under his head and a blanket over him. Feeling a headache come on, he slowly clambered his way out of the tub and forced himself to his feet.

When he wandered out of the bathroom, he saw a brunette girl sweeping the floor and Sora passed out on the bed. The brunette noticed him and let out a small giggle. "Good morning. Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

The phrasing of the question made Nikei nearly choke on his own spit. "Hold on, I don't remember shit, don't tell me we-"

"Don't worry, you both still had your clothes on when I picked you both up," she reassured. "I did find you cuddling each other though, so at least I didn't have to go hunting through the building to bring you guys to my room. I hope you can forgive me for putting you in the bathtub though, the bed had no room on it."

With a sigh, Nikei decided that he should never get drunk with no backup for him ever again.

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