Chapter Two

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      Deniz was thrilled with the new sketch book and pencils that his dad had brought him from town, and Tana squealed at the sight of yet another doll to add to her collection of fashionistas. 

      Can always knew what to bring them. He knew his children better than anyone. But Sanem, he always let her pick out her own surprise. She never expected anything, as long as he came home each time he went across that channel of water to Antikythera Island, that was all she needed.

      Their town was small and quaint, but always bustling with excitement and tourists. So when Can said the town had been busy she knew that the ferry must have just brought a ferry boat full of new tourists to the town. They did this at least a couple of times a week if it came from Chania, but the ferry came in four times a week from Kythira. 

      Antikythera Island was small and not largely populated, which is what had attracted Can to their move here anyway. With only a couple hundred permanent residents the town relied solely on the ferry and the transporting of tourist from the larger islands. Can and Sanem loved the uniqueness of the island and they had become quite the celebrities there. 

      They both tried to contribute to the well-being of the island as much as they could. They wanted it to grow but not lose that feeling of being unique. But the need of a more substantial school for the island was something that Can and Sanem was working for. 

      " Babe, you said you ran into Mr. Argos while you where there. What did he say about the school." Sanem asked as they unpacked the bags. Can nodded, " Yes I did. They want to bring over a few students from Chania a couple of days a week to study. But it's not an everyday thing. So our kids would only have a classes a couple of days a week. I mean it's better than nothing right now. 

      Sanem had been homeschooling Deniz for several years now, but they wanted a more normal life for their children. Can had suggested they bring over a few kids from the larger island to study there. He had even offered up their time to teach if they needed to. That was something that he hadn't talked over with Sanem yet, but he was sure she would love the idea.

      Can reached for Sanem after the last bag of groceries has been put away, pulling her close to him. He breathed in her scent, that smell that had been a part of him for so many years now. "You smell delicious you know." He whispered, letting his hands glide down her arms. 

      She smiled, letting that feeling of desire fill her body. " Are you saying you're hungry? I can hurry with dinner if you are." She spoke in her teasingly voice. Can expelled his breath heavily, "Ahhh Sanem, you do like to tease me don't you. You know exactly what I want, and it has nothing to do with food." He said, his voice growling with desire.

      Sanem leaned in kissing his chest, " Well that kind of hunger will have to be satisfied later my dear. We have dinner to fix and children to take care of." She replied, lingering there against his bare skin for a second, feeling the heat intensify and radiate from us body.

      She moved back quickly as she felt the goosebumps erupt spontaneously on her skin, " Can, the kids are in the next room, please behave yourself." She said sharply, giving him a wink. He threw his head back in frustration, " Ok, but you are mine later, just remember that." He answered, returning the wink. 

     With that churning desire for each other put on the back burner for a while, Sanem and Can worked getting dinner on the table. It was their nightly routine of dinner together outside in the garden if the weather permitted, and this night was a beautiful night. The stars seemed to be strung above their garden just for them, close enough to almost touch. 

      After dinner was always the same, Can would tell Deniz and Tana stories about his journeys around the world and all the photographs he had taken. They never got tired of it. Can had just finished his story and was tucking the children in bed as Sanem settled down in her lounger outside with the mail.

      Sanem was anxious to look through the stack of mail that Can had picked up while he was on the island. She shuffled through the envelopes hoping for a letter from her mom or sister. She had been worried about her mom lately. Since her dad had passed away a couple of years earlier her mom seemed to be going down hill. She called and wrote to her as often as possible and Leila had cut back on her work to take more time with her, but it was obvious that that wasn't what she needed. 

      As she looked through she noticed a small envelope from Erme, addressed to Can. She laid it aside and went on through the mail. She was disappointed that there was nothing from her mom or Leila and was curious about the note from Emre. " Can, come outside. You have a letter from Emre." She called out to Can. " Can I open it?" She asked, not expecting him to have problem with it.

      " Sure, go ahead. I'll be out there in a minute. Do you want tea?" He asked. She had already opened the note and started to read it by the time he asked the question. As she scanned over the few lines of the note she got a strange feeling. One that she hadn't had in a long time. She almost couldn't believe what she was reading.

      Can stuck his head out the sliding glass door, " Babe did you want tea or not. Hey, Sanem." He  said, walking out toward her. She looked around at him, " Oh sorry, sure I'll take some tea." She replied, her voice almost weak as she held the note in her hand. " What was it, what did Emre say." Can asked, knowing that look of doubt on his wife's face.

      " Here, read it yourself Can. What is going on." She said, with a quivering tone. Can took the note from her hand a began to read, " Abi, I hope this letter finds you and your family well. Things are busy here at the agency, and everyone here misses you and Sanem more than ever.  I just wanted to let you know that Polen is back here in Istanbul. I know what you are thinking right now but don't get alarmed just yet. She did come by to visit and she did ask about you and Sanem. I don't think it's anything to get worried about, I just wanted you to know...But she did know you moved to your island.  Maybe you shouldn't let Sanem know right now.  We will talk soon.. Love you all. Emre." 

      Can stood with the note in his hand for a minute, just rethinking the past. Reliving the fear he went through when Polen was threatening Sanem. 

      " Can what does that mean. How can she know where we are." She spoke in a whisper, as if she thought Polen maybe listening. 

      " I don't know my love. But she would never come here." Can told her, as he stroked her hair.

But was he so sure of that? He was sure he would never let her find them.......

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