Chapter Twenty Five

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      Sanem was holding on only by a thread and Can knew that, as he lead her down the hallway to their bedroom. " Tell me everything Can. Everything you found out in the village and don't leave out anything to spare my feelings." She insisted, as she crawled up in the middle of their bed. She couldn't stop the tears from coming as she listened.

      Can rubbed his forehead, hesitant to begin telling her what he knew, " Well, one of the elders in the village was helping out a nephew by letting him come to Antikythera and stay for awhile. I guess that Polen met him that day when she first came here on the ferry. But she came here from Kythria, not Chania." He explained, still trying to sort it all out in his mind.

      Sanem looked at Can, puzzled. " How did she know we were gone for the weekend. Did Emre tell her?" Sanem spewed, feeling a whole different side of her anger. Can shook his head, " No, she didn't find out until she got here, or so I think. She had every intention of confronting us at that time." He told her.

      He continued as Sanem sat there in total disbelief. " Jonas brought her here thinking she was an old friend of the family and she wanted to leave a note for us saying she had been here." Can went on, repeating what Jonas had told him.

      Sanem listened, with each word jabbing at her heart. " Wait, so my scarf being on the floor, that wasn't an accident. Polen took it, crumbled it up and threw it on the floor. Is that what you think?" Sanem asked, as her throat began to tighten. " You think she was in our bedroom, right?" 

      Can lowered his eyes, hating to see the fear and anger that covered her face. " Yes, I know she was. Not just because of the scarf, but because one of my necklaces is gone. The one with the large stone that's strung on the braided leather. I think she took it."  He uttered, almost afraid to admit it. 

      Sanem slammed her hands down on the bed, as a whole new set of tears came flooding down. " I really don't think I can do this again Can." She cried, but she wasn't sure if these were tears of anger, frustration or fear. She was tired of Polen interfering in their lives, acting as if she had some sort of claim on Can. Yes, they had a past, but according to Can he never had any strong feelings for her

      Can held Sanem in his arms as she let out all of her fears. " I'm sorry my love, I thought all of this was behind us when we came to the island. Polen was getting help in the hospital and you had forgiven her for all the things she had done. I had even heard that there was a new man in her life several years back. I don't know what happened." He replied, consoling her.

      A loud crashing sound from outside made Sanem jump, " Can what was that." She spoke up, clinging to his neck. " The wind has gotten worse, I think it was the lounge chairs out in the garden. I better go see about them, and I should check the boat too." He told her, kissing her on the forehead. " I'll be right back, why don't you make us some tea. It will help you to relax." 

      Polen had eased the small boat up against the dock. The direction of the wind had been in her favor as she maneuvered the boat into the cove. It still took all of her strength to fight against the force of the wind as she wound the rope around the post on the dock. She was exhausted and every muscle in her body hurt, but she had made it.

      She sat there for a minute just catching her breath before trying to climb out onto the dock. The wind had increased, making to difficult to stand up in the boat. She took her bag and tossed in up on the dock first, then she struggled her way out of the boat until she was able to stand on the dock. 

      Just as she was able to stand upright on the dock, a huge gust of wind nearly blew her back into the boat. She grabbed the post to steady herself before trying to make her way along the dock toward the house. That same gust of wind had blown one of the outdoor chairs, that was in the garden, to the other side of the house. 

      She frowned, " Of all times for a wind storm to come up. Just when I wanted to make my grand entrance." She spewed. She had planned everything out in head, the way she would just appear on their dock dressed in one of Can's favorite outfits. He would so happy to see her that he would be  able to stop himself from taking her in his arms. She smiled as she let those thoughts briefly run through her head.

      But know look at me, she thought, I'm soaked from the water crashing over the side of the boat, my hair is a complete mess and I have wiped half of my makeup off trying to keep the water out of  my eyes. I'm a mess...She mumbled under her breath.

      She closed her eyes, " Come on Polen, pull yourself together. You have made it this far, you can make it all the way." She spoke to herself. She tried to smooth out her clothes as she took a deep breath and headed toward the house.

      Just as she made it to the end of the dock, the sliding glass door came open and Can stepped out. She stopped quickly and stepped back into the shadows, watching him as he gathered up the outdoor furniture that had blown across the garden. Such a beautiful man, the years had not diminished any of his manly features, she thought, as she marveled at the sight of him. She had only seen pictures of him over the past several years, but seeing him in the flesh had sent a charge of electricity through her body.

      Can grabbed the two chairs that had blown to the other side of the garden and put them back in place, and he sat up the small table that had blown over as well. He looked around, getting an uncomfortable feeling as if someone was watching him. He had never had any feelings like that before, but he dismissed it quickly. He decided to check the boat to make sure it was still secured to the dock.

      He reached back inside the door for the flashlight before heading down to the dock. Just as he started toward the dock, he spotted a person standing in the shadows. He stopped immediately, shining his light in their direction.  

      Polen stepped out from the shadows, " Hello Can, I have finally made home. I'm so glad to see you." She moved toward him, wanting to put her arms around him.

      Can jumped back, " POLEN, how...what are you....What the hell are you doing here." He yelled at her.....

      She smiled, " I am home, I came here to be with you. I will be here with you on our island from now on." She told him, as she reached out her hand to him.....

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