Chapter Twenty Eight

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      Sanem pushed Can toward the dock, " Can go find her. The wind is too bad. You don't want something bad to happen to her, now go help her." She insisted. Can stood there frozen for a minute, thinking of what Sanem was saying. 

      In that instant, in a very small part of himself, he wondered if that was true. Would he care if something bad happened to her, it would definitely solve their problem. 

      " Can why are you standing here, go.." Sanem urged, nudging him slightly. He shook his head, ridding his head of all those awful thoughts, " Ok, ok... I'm going, but she made it out here in this weather, I'm sure she can make it back." He replied, hating himself for the thoughts running through his head..

      He jogged back to the house and grabbed his jacket, still wrestling with the meaning of what Polen had said. He sprinted to the boat, untied it from the dock and fired it up. He seemed to be in a daze as he eased it away from the dock and out into the open water. He glanced back  at Sanem standing on the dock, wondering what he would do if Polens threats were carried out. How would his life go on without her?..

      The clouds had now rolled in hiding the moon now, making the water dark and ominous. He tackled the waves as they tossed his boat about, making his boat buck and bounce around as if it was a toy. The light on his boat had been designed for a searchlight but this was the first time he had to use it. As he swiveled the light from side to side, straining his eyes to catch a glimpse of the small boat.

      Sanem perched herself on the dock, hoping and praying that Can would be able to find her. The words from Polen still rang out loud and clear in her head,  but right then she was more worried about Can finding her safe and sound than the despicable things she had said to her. 

      It seemed like hours, and she was beyond frantic wondering what was happening when she finally saw the light from their boat in the distance. Her heart skipped a few beats as she watched the boat come closer and closer. 

      He eased the boat in to the dock and shut off the motor. The look on his face was all she needed to know, " Can, you didn't find her?" She asked, the blood surging through her body like a tidal wave. He shook his head, " No, it's as if she disappeared. Just dropped off the face of the earth. I even went all the way to the village....and nothing." Can spoke, reaching out for her. 

      " Don't worry, she's probably fine. Maybe she docked on another part of Antikythera when the wind got so bad." He explained, trying to make it sound believable. " Come on let's go in, it looks like a storm is coming in."  He said, looking a bolt of lightning off in the distance.

      Sanem slumped down on the sofa, completely exhausted with what had happened. " Can, I had no idea that Polen hated me so much. She blames me for ruining her life." She mumbled, still in a state of shock. Her whole body was shivering as Can grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa a wrapped it around her, pulling her as close to him as he could. 

      " It's wasn't your fault my love, Polen is sick. I don't think she recovered at all." He said. He recalled the last time he visited her at the hospital in Bursa. She had told him how sorry she was for everything, how the medication had been helping her get back to reality. How sincere and honest she had been that day, and now this. It all had been a lie..

      Sanem had fallen asleep in his arms, so he carried her to the bedroom and tucked her in, hoping that she would be able to stay asleep. The storm was getting stronger as the flash of the lightning and the sound of the thunder grew closer. He watched out the back door, wishing that things had been different, wishing that Polen had gotten the help she needed, wishing that Sanem hadn't been put through the wrath of this angry and sick woman.

      He didn't sleep that night, he felt the need to keep watch over his family and his home. Since he wasn't sure where Polen was, he wasn't positive that she wouldn't try to return, and he wanted to be ready if she did. 

      He already planned a trip into the village the next day to make a report to the local police office in Chania, and to explain to the Mr. Argos that their classes would have to wait.  He would have to do it all by phone because he wasn't about to leave Sanem and the children alone for a day while he made the trip to the Island of Crete. 

      The storm raged on through the night, probably the worse storm they had seen in a while. It seemed as if the weather was acting out the rage that he had felt inside from this woman that he thought he knew. All those years that he had wasted on her, he thought, if only he had known.       

      In a way Can blamed himself for all of this. He was the one that had brought Polen into their lives, even if it was by accident. So many thoughts and what ifs were still spinning in his mind when the sun finally spread out its first rays of light across the water in front of him. 

      The storm had pasted, and the wind had moved on out into the sea, bringing on the start of what looked like to be a beautiful day. But his nightmare wasn't over yet, he would still need to file a complaint against her. 

      The sound of Deniz coming down the hallway brought him out of his deep thoughts, " Dad, what time are we leaving for school. I really need to finish my drawing before we go." He asked, excitement filling his face...Can sighed, knowing he would have to be the one to tell him there would be no school today.

      Sanem was breathing heavy as she dreamed vividly about Polen and all the things she had said. They were in the small boat out in the middle of the sea, nothing but water was all that Sanem could see. Polen was smiling at her as the boat rocked up and down with the movement of the waves.

      "Sanem I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen." She told her, then she threw her head back and laughed. " You thought that Can loved you, are such a naive and silly girl." She said as she stood up in boat and walked toward Sanem. 

      Sanem felt her heart racing out of control as Polen came closer, " Now I will be the one living your life, sleeping with Can every night and being a mother to your children." She screamed hysterically as she pushed Sanem over the side of the boat.

      Sanem yelled out, sitting up instantly in the bed, her body shaking and and her heart pounding. She looked around confused but relieved that in had been just a dream. She buried her face in her hands trying to get control.

      Can ran into the room, " Babe are you ok, what happened." He stammered, holding onto her for dear life...

      " Can...Can Polen wants to kill me. She wants to take my place here." She uttered, deciphering the dream in her mind. 

      Sanem pushed away from Can, looking at him with such fear....." Polen wants you and the children....she wants my life."

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