Chapter Twenty Three

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      Polen had seen no reason to postpone her visit back to the island any longer, so she booked a flight for the next day from Istanbul to Athens. She packed her bag with everything she thought she may need for an extended stay on the island. She had no thoughts of returning to Istanbul as she got ready to leave that morning. 

      She smiled as she looked around the flat for the last time. She had only lived there for a short time, and she knew that this was not going to be her permanent home, but she had become attached to the place. She knew in her heart that her home was with Can,...on that island. 

      Polen closed up the apartment and turned the key in to the manager at the front office as she left. 

      The flight to Athens was slightly delayed due to the weather. It seemed the whole area had been covered in a thick fog, making visibility difficult around Athens and all the islands. It was late by the time she landed in Athens so she found a room for the night, hoping the fog would lift by morning. Her flight from Athens to Kythira was due to leave early the next morning.

      After yet another short delay her plane was finally on its way to the island of Kythira. She was excited to get there, and take the next leg of her trip, a two hour ferry ride from Kythira to the small island of Antikythera and she was would be almost home, she thought. 

      The fog was beginning to lift by the time her plane touched down on Kythira making visibility better. She took a taxi from the Kythira airport to the pier, ready to board the ferry and take that final two hour ride to Antikythera. 

      The fog had all but dissipated by the time the ferry docked at Antikythera, but the wind was becoming a factor as she grabbed her bags and headed toward the village. She needed to find Jonas as soon as possible so he could take her on that most important final leg of her journey. She hurried to the small outdoor cafe where all the men gather to pass the time. But Jonas wasn't there, " No ma'am we haven't seen Jonas in a couple of days." Replied one of the older men. 

      Polen took a deep breath, " Ok, so maybe one of you gentlemen would like to take me to one of the islands." She asked, reaching into her handbag to pull out some cash. The men looked at each other, determined to keep their promise to Can. " Which island ma'am, there are a few around here." One of the men asked.

      Polen nervously fidgeted with her bags as she answered, " I need to get to Divit Island, they are friends of mine and I want to surprise them with a visit." She said. One by one each man refused her request and her offer of money.

      She pleaded but they all refused to make the trip to the island. " If the Divit's are your friends, than just call them and Can will be more than happy to come and pick you up, I'm sure of it." Mr. Spanos replied. 

      Polen shoved the money back into her bag, letting her anger begin to show. " Fine, I will get there on my own. How difficult can it be to drive a boat out to their island. I'm sure that Can will be very upset to hear that no one here would help me." She spouted as she grabbed her bag and stomped off toward the old pier.

      Can walked from their garden down to the beach. He was glad the fog had finally lifted, but that seemed to have brought in the wind, as he looked out into the main body of water. The waves were rising and falling with force as they crashed up on the beach. 

      He had decided to tell Sanem what he had found out from Jonas, but he wanted to wait until the  children went to bed that night to fill her in. He knew she would be upset and scared and he didn't want the kids to see that. 

      Just waiting for something to happen was almost more than he could bear. He tried to reason with himself, saying that she wouldn't be crazy enough to return, but something in his heart was saying different. He would have to be prepared for anything.

      Sanem watched him from the back garden as he paced back and forth on the beach. She knew him well and she knew he was battling with something or someone in his head. He always tried to protect her, she knew that, but sometimes she needed to hear the truth. 

      " Babe, come on, dinner is ready." She called out, waving a him. He waved back and started toward the house.   She waited on him on the patio, " What were you doing down there, the wind is so bad you might get blown away." She joked as he wrapped her up in his arms. 

      Can drew in the smell of her, letting it fill him completely, " Just thinking, thinking about how lucky we are." He answered. She stood on her tiptoes, stretching to reach his neck as she kissed him gently. " Yes we are lucky. But your babies are hungry, so let's eat." She said, following that with a firm kiss on the lips.

      She excited him with just a touch, as he held on to her, " Wait not so fast. I want another one of those." He mumbled, searching her lips for a deeper and longer kiss. She snickered, " Can the kids are watching." She said as she gave him another kiss,. " Just keep that thought for later, ok." She whispered, as she gave him a quick peck.

        Polen trampled about on the pier, dragging along her large bag, as she searched for someone with a boat to take her to the island. Each person gave her the same answer, " Ma'am the wind is much to bad to try and get to Divit Island today."  She scoffed as she listened to the man that took care of the pier recite the same explanation to her. 

      " Look, do you have a boat that I could rent. I am more than capable to maneuver a boat across the channel to the island." She explained, as she slammed her money down on the table. She had that determined look in her eyes, one that told the older man she was used to getting her way. " Look lady, the waves are high and the only boat I have is a small fishing boat. I don't think it will make it out there." He told her.

      But Polen insisted.....and insisted. " Ok, if you are sure you can handle it." He said reaching for the money. " It's full of gas and there is an oar and on board in case of emergency."  He said pointing to the boat at the end of the dock.     

      Polen nodded and headed out to the boat. She hesitated at first as she looked at the small boat with nothing more than one seat and a steering wheel, but she wasn't about to let something like this stop her now. 

      The older gentleman helped her hoist her bag over into the boat and he fired it up for her....

Polen stepped over into the boat, getting settled in the seat before she thanked him. Then she pushed the throttle down and eased the boat away from the pier.

      The man watched her as she headed out into the channel, holding onto his hat from the force of the wind.....

      " If this is the lady that Mr. Divit was talking about....then he was right. She is crazy.."

On Divit Island...Love Over ForgivenessWhere stories live. Discover now