Chapter Twenty Two

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      The next few days with Emre and Leila seemed to rush by, and before they knew it the time to pack up their things for the trip home to Istanbul had arrived.

      Sanem was helping Leila with the last minute packing of the boys things, " I can't believe this two weeks has gone by so quickly. We need more time." She muttered as she slumped down on the bed. Leila sat down beside her, " I know, but we'll come again soon, and maybe we can convince mom to come with us next time." Her sister replied, trying to lift Sanem's feelings.

      " Maybe you could come for a visit next time." Leila suggested, giving her sister a nudge. The thought of visiting the old neighborhood and her mom had crossed her mind, but she wasn't sure how that would go. Especially now, knowing that Polen was back in Istanbul.

      " I would love to visit, but......" She started. " But what Sanem. You haven't been back for so many years now." Leila reminded her. 

      " But,.....Polen is back in Istanbul now." She quipped, as she wrinkled up her forehead. That's one thing she didn't want to do is run into Polen somewhere. " Besides we are starting at the school soon so we will be busy with that." Sanem stated, ready to put an end to the subject.

      Leila nodded, " I understand Abla, but you can't run from Can's past forever. The sooner you show Polen and everyone else that you and Can have a strong and happy marriage, the sooner they will leave you alone."  

      Sanem knew her sister was right, their marriage was strong, but if all these strange things that had happened over the past were few weeks were caused by Polen, then it's obvious that she hadn't gotten over Can. She still had a hard time letting herself think that the damage to the boat and the possibility of someone being on the island was really Polen. But it was stuck in the back of her mind....

      Can  and Emre were busy loading the bags in the boat the next day and enjoying their last few minutes together. The ferry left for Chania at 2:00pm so they would need to be on their way soon to get there in time. " Look Emre, please be careful. Don't give Polen any information, not about anything. She will use anything you say to get what she wants." Can warned him as they loaded the boat for the trip to Antikythera. 

      Emre nodded in agreement, " Dont worry, I won't. But what about you. Are you going to be ok here? This place is so isolated and remote that anything could happen. Just make sure you don't leave Sanem and the kids alone for very long at a time." Emre told him, already feeling like something was bound to happen.

      This was her most dreaded time. The time to give her sister and nephews that final goodbye hug. " Abla, please think about what I said yesterday. You can't hide here from the past, it will only make you weak. You and Can are strong, so show it." Leila whispered in her ear before stepping over into the boat.

      Sanem waved goodbye through the tears, she watched until they disappeared from sight in the midday fog. She wrapped her arms around her tightly feeling the chill from the foggy mist that was hanging heavily over the water. It made her shiver as she looked around, " Where did the sun go. It's usually clear and bright at this time of the day" she thought as she headed back to the house.

      The boat trip took a little longer than usual because of the fog and mist making it harder to see. Can knew very inch of the channel from their island to Antikythera but he was still cautious when the weather was like this. " Abi, do you get fog like this very often?" Emre asked as they slipped through the water almost silently, with nothing more than the sound humming sound of the motor. " Not often,  it it does happen from time to time. Don't worry we are almost to the pier" Can answered, with confidence.

      A short time later, with the boat docked and the bags unloaded, Can helped them on their way to the ferry. He watched his brother load up on the ferry with a lump in his throat. He was the only family he had left, and much to his surprise, he just realized how much he was going to miss him. Emre waved from the deck of the ferry, and Can returned the wave vigorously, " See you soon." Can yelled out as the boat pulled away from the dock. 

      This feeling was new for him. It was strange, he felt as if he may never see his brother and his family again. He immediately shook off that thought as he turned and started back to the other side of the island to his boat. 

      As he passed the cafe Mr. Spanos called out to him, " Divit, be careful going back across, the fog seems to be getting thicker. Never seen it this bad before, it's suppose to last for a while too. Hey did you hear me?" The elder man yelled out a little louder.  

      Can waved, " I did Mr. Spanos. Thanks for the warning, but I'll be fine." Can called back to him. 

      As Can idled out from the pier and headed to the channel he could see that Mr. Spanos had been right. The fog was rolling in, covering the water like a thick blanket of snow on the top of the mountains. He strained to see his way through, as he moved out into the main channel of water. 

      Sanem sat on the edge of the dock waiting for the sound of the boat motor in the distance. She had turned on all the lights on the dock to help him see better as he got closer. It felt like more like late evening than midday, as the fog became the barrier between the sea and the sky. 

      The mist and the fog had brought on an eerie silence to the sea. There was usually the sound of the wind and the waves they they crashed up around the dock, and the sound of the sea gulls as they hovered around the island searching for their next meal. But she couldn't remember a time it had been so silent.

      The navigation on the boat was telling him that he was nearing the island. He could see the dim glow of amber light in the distance, and he knew the light came from his dock. He smiled, "She turned on all the lights for me, and I can bet she is sitting right there waiting for me."  He thought as the glow became brighter, illuminating through the fog.

      Sanem turned her head slightly as she heard a slight sound, a muffled sound of a boat motor. She was sure that's what it was, as she stood peering out, looking for the spotlight on the front of the boat.......Then she saw it, the light from the front of the boat. 

      She took a deep breath and exhaled as the boat came into view......" He was home, he made it home......" Can, you made it." She called out, waving her arms in the air.      

      He waved back, " Of course I did, why would you even doubt it."  He answered, feeling a welcomed sense of relief.....

On Divit Island...Love Over ForgivenessWhere stories live. Discover now