Chapter Fifteen

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      Sanem had finally fell asleep again. He had held her in his arms trying to reassure her that things were fine until she drifted off to sleep.

      He slipped out of the bedroom and made his way to the kitchen, craving a cup of strong coffee. He knew he had to hold it together, if only for Sanems sake, but the thoughts of an intruder were more than just a hunch. There were too many signs, and the feeling that he had all weekend in Chania, well they were just much to ignore.

      The thoughts of a swim to clear his head had been dismissed as he walked down the path to the beach. The wind was strong, forcing the surge of water up on the beach. The water around their island was usually calm and inviting, but this morning it seemed as disturbed as he was. 

      Although the weather wasn't ideal he sat down on the beach, watching as the sea rolled and crashed about. It was then that he let what had been in the very back of his mind come forward. Could these things have been caused by Polen.....

      He didn't even want to think it, but he couldn't help it. She shows up at the agency out of nowhere, knowing more about him and Sanem and their life, that what she should. Why wouldn't he think it could have something to do with her.

      After sitting there for a while, fighting with his thoughts, the unrelenting winds brought in the clouds, that in turn brought in the rain, sending him dashing for the house. He grabbed a hoodie from the hall closet and slide it on over his head. The downpour had pretty much drenched him on his way back to the shelter of his home.   

      The house was still quiet so he knew that Deniz and Tana we're still sleeping. He wanted to make a phone call to Emre before everyone woke up and the day got crazy. He took his phone and went to the office, closing the door quietly behind him. 

      Can and Erme had always had their problems over the years, but his little brother was still the person he turned to when he needed to hear that voice of reason. When something bothered Can or he felt threatened, he had that tendency to overreact, especially when it concerned Sanem. 

      " Hello Abi, is there something wrong. It awfully early for a social call." Erme teased as he answered the call. " I'm sorry Erme were  you still sleeping? I didn't even think about the time." Can replied, glancing over at the clock that read 7:52, making it 6:52 in Istanbul.

      Emre laughed, " It's fine Abi, I was up getting ready to go to the office. What's up?" He asked with curiosity. Can began to explain the events of the weekend, " And to top it all off, I think that someone was in the house while we were gone." He took a deep breath, feeling as if a weight had been lifted his body.

      Erme sat there in silence for a second, stunned at what he had heard. " Someone actually damaged your boat. No one saw anyone, that's really strange. The village is so small and deserted, you would think that something like that would stand out in someone mind." Erme said, trying to make sense of his brothers statement. " And why do you think that someone was in the house? Erme asked, his mind already forming an opinion. 

      Can lowered his voice, almost to a whisper as he answered, " I just had this feeling all weekend that something was wrong, something wasn't right at home. I can't even explain it, but I felt like I needed to be here to protect the island. Does that make sense to you?" Can asked. "Then after we got home, I found Sanems scarf crumbled up and lying on the floor in the bedroom. And the sliding back door was open about 2 inches." He told him, feeling more uneasy than ever as he listened to his own words.

      " Can, what are you thinking. You know someone would have to take a boat to the island, so most likely they had to hire someone to take them." Erme rationalized. " Did you ask around to see if anyone had taken someone there. Damn Can, what do you think they wanted?" 

       The same thoughts were racing around in his head as well, " I don't have a clue Erme, but you're right I need to go to the village and ask around. So you're coming next week, right...I'll be glad to see you. I have to shake this off before Sanem and the kids get up." Can replied, looking around to make sure he was still alone.

      Although it was short, the early morning flight to Istanbul from Athens had given Polen more time to think. The necklace of Cans didn't match at all with her outfit of a dark green tight fitting top and her black spandex skirt, but she had proudly draped the leather strap around her neck as she dressed that morning, hiding the necklace underneath her top. She enjoyed the feel of it against her skin, especially the large smooth stone as it nestled down between her breast.

      She closed her eyes and imagined Can wearing the necklace. A smiled creeped across her face ever so slightly, as she envisioned him with it on. This had touched Cans skin, and now it was touching hers. The thought gave her goosebumps, and a shiver ran down her back. Polen slowly opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror, " Just like this necklace Can, you will once again be mine." She mumbled the words quietly and calmly as she pressed the stone firmly against body.

      Can and Erme finished their conversation with Can promising his brother that he would make a trip into the village to ask around if anyone had given a stranger a ride to the island. Can would have to make up an excuse to tell Sanem, he was sure he didn't want to tell her the real reason he needed go into Antikythera. 

      Tana and Deniz were up before Sanem, begging for their dad to make them his famous crepes. Can could never refuse them anything, so before long the table was set with an array of delicious food. 

      The smell had drifted down the hall to where Sanem was sleeping, stimulating her senses and making her stomach growl. She opened her eyes and smiled,  Can has made his crepes, she thought, as she climbed out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. She splashed the cool water on her face to freshen up before heading to the kitchen.

      Can was just turning the corner to start down the hallway to their bedroom to wake Sanem when he bumped into her, " Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." He blurted out, wrapping his arms around her. " I was coming to wake you for breakfast." He remarked, pulling her closer to him. She laughed, snuggling up against his muscled chest, " The smell woke me. And I'm starving." She said kissing him on the chest.

      The outdoor table was full of delicious food. Sanem clapped her hands together as they stepped outside to the patio, " Doesn't this look wonderful. My babies, good morning." She exclaimed, leaning over to give them a kiss on the head. 

      They had just finished eating when Can said, " I need to make a trip into the village this morning is there anything you need." He asked nonchalantly. 

      " Why are you going to the village, I thought we got everything we needed over the weekend." Sanem asked. 

      This is where Can would have to lie.....Tell Sanem something that wasn't true...again.

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