Chapter Three

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      The note had been tossed aside with the other mail as Can slide in the lounge chair next to Sanem. " Now don't let yourself get all worried about that note babe. I'm absolutely sure it's nothing. I'll call Emre tomorrow and find out what's going on, if that will make you feel better." He replied, watching his wife's face take on that look of concern. He knew what she was thinking and feeling right at that moment, so he would take care of easing her fears.

      He pulled her as close to him as he could. She welcomed his arms as they comforted her. Sanem knew that Can would never let Polen come there to their home, but there was just some thing about the way Emre said it in his note that made her wonder,....had Polen already found their island hideaway.

      " Hey, I haven't told you the best part about my visit with Mr. Argos. I think you're going to like  it." Can said eager to change the subject from Polen to something more pleasant. Sanem wiggled around on her side and snuggled in closer to his body, " Well tell me then, what did you talk about." She asked as she let herself melt against her husbands strong and muscled body. This was the spot she loved the most,...this place that made her want him, need him, desire him. 

      He smiled, knowing that she was intrigued. " Well Mr. Argos suggested that we help at the school those two days a week. We could teach  the basics and then offer the children the use of our knowledge in photography and writing courses as well. What do you think?" Can asked. 

      Sanem stiffened, excited at the thought of it. " You mean we would teach the kids as well. Oh Can I don't know, what about Iris, I thought she was the teacher." She replied, her heart jumping with anticipation at the thought of taking on a group of children. Her mind was already gathering ideas about what she would like to teach the children, what she would love to show them and invite them to learn. She sat up quickly, looking at Can with excitement, " Can is this something you think we could do, I mean...would you want too?" She said, her voice full of emotion.

      Can loved seeing this side of his wife. The excitement, the possibility of something new to occupy their time. Sanem let the thought seep in, " I think we could do it, don't you." She gushed, sitting up to look him in the eyes. This was all she ever wanted....just a normal life, she thought. A life of not fearing what was going to happen next, who would be the next person trying to destroy them and their love. But here she was, still fearing the sound of Polens name. When would their lives just be theirs?.

      Can smiled, " I most definitely think we can do it. So do you want to go to talk with Argos next week and get things rolling." He asked, praying that this would take her mind off of Polen, at least until he could find out what was going on. 

      Sanem nodded, " Yes I would love to go talk with him. Oh Can, Deniz will be so excited about this. He loved going to Chania for that week and taking his testing for our homeschooling. It's going to be a good thing." She replied, as she leaned down stroking his face.

      " But don't think that this will make me forget all about a that note from Emre, or the thought of Polen knowing where we live. Just wanted you to know that." She whispered, as she leaned in closer, letting her lips slightly graze over his.

      Can drew in his breath sharply, that feeling of excitement charging through his body like electricity. She could make him come alive with the slightest touch of her lips to his. In an instant he was ready for more.

      But just as quickly was moved away and stood, looking at him, " I want you to find out how she found out where we were, and I don't want you keeping anything from me, ...understood?" She stated, showing him the side of his wife he didn't want to mess with.

      He nodded, " I understand completely, I wouldn't dream of keeping anything from you my love." He answered, feeling the heat from her eyes. She smiled, " Good, now I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?" She asked, her eyes teasing him as she extended her hand to him.

      He couldn't grab on it to her hand quick enough, as he answered, " Yes,...yes I would love to." This wife of his never seized to amaze him, even after all these years. But he wouldn't have it any other way. He stood quickly pulling her closely against his body, " Babe I promise I will find out what's going on, please don't worry." He let his hands glide gently over her body, his lips finding hers. She was his life and he would do anything to protect her.

      She giggled, almost in a whisper, " I know,....let's check on the kids first, let's make sure they are asleep. Then we can take our " shower". She said, as she felt the heat start to rise and the goosebumps spread like wildfire through her body. 

     Cans mouth had gone dry as he tried to answer, he cleared his throat and nodded, " Ok." He managed to get out, as he felt his erection start to grow. He knew he would have to calm down a bit or this special shower may be over before it even got started. He took a couple of deeps breaths as he walked through the dark house to check on the kids. 

      He opened the door to Deniz's room first to make sure he was alseep. Then he crossed the hallway to Tana's room, doing the same. Both of his beautiful children were sound asleep. He smiled as he looked at each of them. His life had changed so much over the past 12 years, and he often wondered what would have happened to him if he hadn't stayed in Istanbul for his dad. How would his life been different. He knew for a fact he would still be single and roaming the world in search of that perfect shot, and he knew for a fact....that he wouldn't be this happy.

      He pulled the door shut quietly to his daughter's room and walked quickly down the hallway to their bedroom. The room was lit only by candles, but there were at least a dozen of them illuminating the room. The flames danced gently in the air forming the most erotic display of shadows he had ever seen on the walls of their room.

      He felt his body start to tingle and his breath quicken as he started toward the bathroom. He could bear the water running in the shower so he knew she was already undressed and waiting for him.

      As he opened the door and entered, the steam from the hot water had already filled the room with a fog, but he could see her there in the shower. He stripped off his clothes quickly and tossed them in the corner, his heart beginning to feel like he had run a marathon.

      He opened the glass door to the shower and stepped in.....Each time of seeing this woman in her natural state, each time of letting his eyes scan over this person if such perfection, was an exciting surprise to him. How had he ever lives his life without her, one wondered?..

      " There you are, I was beginning to think you were going to stand me up." She whispered, as she pulled him up against her.

      " Never,... Can Divit is not a fool." He replied, sliding his hands down her wet silky skin....

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