Chapter 7: Preparation

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Chapter 8 will be the last chapter.

Your best bud narrator pov:
After Amber's school, 'speech' Eula was out of words, she wanted to go up to Amber and say thank you but she didn't know what to say. Here are some examples of how she planned on saying it.

1. You have my utmost thanks Amber and I really... (she lost words and that's why she wasn't gonna saying it.

2. Ugh, wasting much time and using my name so inappropriately, ugh... (she didn't use this one because it didn't seem genuine and she didn't wanna come off as rude.

3. Thank you... (Too basic for such a big thing)

By the looks of it, you can see that she is very picky about what to choose, and she just can't say it.

"Hey, Amber uh yeah." Is the most she can come up with to say. The three I showed were the best.

Jean had noticed this and wanted her work with Amber and Eula's situation to be finished. (Lisa forced her to think it like this.) She walked her way to Eula and tried to form somewhat of a conversation.

"Hello...Eula." Jean stammered nervously.

"President Jean? What would you need from me?" Eula suspected that it was about the speech, which was obvious.

"Well as you probably guessed, it's related to the Amber speech situation." She chuckled awkwardly.

"This is so awkward." Jean thought to herself.

"What does she want?" Eula thought.

"Well, I just hope nothing between you guys becomes awkward or something similar. So I decided to give you this." Jean gave her an invitation letter which Eula quickly read.

Woohoo! You have gotten a VIP invitation.
You are welcome to bring yourself and someone
special with you to the dance.
Hope you enjoy your time at the special
school dance!

From the student council.

"Why would you give it to me? Why not give it to someone who deserves it more like Amber." Eula questioned Jean feeling a childish yet powerful aura behind her.

It was Xiao, looking angrily at her because he was punished to sit with his dad. He had according to Zhongli played too much Fortnite and had been making Deez nuts jokes in the classroom which he was told specifically not to do.

"Yeah well, I guess I'll look at it, but don't get your expectations high! I'm not planning to go." Eula went from an unsure answer to a bossy no.

"Heh, I'll be glad to see you there." Jean waved going back to the stage.

By the time she was on the stage all eyes were on her, they hadn't left yet since they were waiting for the new event surprise that was mentioned in the school newspaper.

"H-Hello students of Teyvat. I am here to make a short announcement about a special event. The school dance," Jean started looking directly into the machines slowly moving which quickly caught the student's attention.

The machines created a screen which said the school dance. There were gonna be two different ranks.

VIP and Normal (and for some detention but that wasn't counted as a rank.)

This made the students even more excited than before, cheering loudly. Well most of them, the girl who made the Eula ate Amber's dog rumor was running away from everyone else in tears.

She had realized that no one would want to go with her after what had happened and had just accepted it, almost.


Amber hadn't gotten a VIP from the student council and had forgotten about the whole rank system in general.

She was thinking about Eula. What was she doing? Was she angry at her? Had she lost interest in Amber? Whatever it was Amber needed to know... immediately.

She had decided to step into Mona's special room. The fortune teller also known as the one to know what someone else is doing by her powers from the divine deep of well, the rest was just random words.

"Hah, another one of the fellow humans who need the great astrologist Mona megistus's help?" Mona laughed ignoring Amber's confused face.

"Sorry I didn't quite catch your name Mona meg- what was is now again." Amber sat down looking at Mona's awkward eyes.

"Forget it, just call me Mona." She awkwardly said looking away and breaking the eye contact.


"Anyways what is it that you are here for?" Mona questioned Amber trying to change the subject.

"Well, I'm here to see if... my friend Eula Lawrenc-" Amber started before quickly getting interrupted by Mona who had understood it all.

"My friend Eula Lawrence, I have been wondering if she has forgotten about me, or if we are going to the prom please the great Astrologist Mona megistus, help me here would you?" She imitated Amber.

"Wow, they weren't lying when they said you were a genius." Amber laughed.

"Save all that for later, will you?" She again looked away of embarrassment.


"Sorry, but I'll give you anything. Two thousand mora what about that?" Amber who knew that Mona really liked mora mentioned.

"Mora... Well, your friend Eula Lawrence is thinking about asking you out for the dance because she had gotten a VIP ticket but isn't sure how to say it to you." Mona who got tricked by the mora instantly said.

Mona had just tried to say the best things to get Amber interested which seemed to have kinda worked.

"Are you sure though? I mea-" Amber again got interrupted.

"You think that me, the great astrologist Mona megistus would lie to anyone, what a rude person." She looked away in embarrassment knowing that she was lying. They had a long and awkward pause until Amber broke it.


"Well t-thank you for the help, Mona." Amber winked and left, she didn't have much time left and had to get a dress. How was she going to gonna do that in time?

(Gonna make these parts faster because they aren't that interesting.)

Well, she just had to ask Albedo who was sewing dresses and suits for both females, males, non-binary's, and other genders.

Meanwhile, Eula used something she found in her maids wardrobe made for Eula.

So that wasn't a problem, but the actual asking. That was the real issue. Amber had decided to write a letter to Eula in her locker knowing that she wasn't usually active on her phone.

The letter told her to meet Amber near the school entrance after school. Which was exactly what she did.

"Amber! What was it you uh wanted." Eula awkwardly asked.

"Well, it's... Would you want to go to the school dance with me? Completely Platonic, uhh platonic with a capital P." Amber let it all out, she didn't want any more awkward moments today.

"W-What, well I-I wouldn't really kind. I mean I have a VIP ticket." Eula shockingly said.

"Great, then I guess I'll see you there!" Amber winked walking away in another direction than her actual home.

She knew where her nervousness came from, it came from love. Directly from love ♡︎.

Tysm for reading this chapter, next one will be the last one.

Question for the day:
Which sumeru characters are you pulling for?

I'm definitely pulling for Al haitham because I love me some dadd- buff characters. Pulling for Kusanali because she's adorable and because she's an archon❤️.

Now have a great day good luck on your studies (except if you are shiyoruu .) And bye!!!

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