chapter one

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    ❝ MOVE OR GET RUN OVER YOUR CHOICE !❞( season one, episode one

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( season one, episode one. )

A LOUD NOISE FILLED THROUGH THE ROOM STARTLING THE OLDER GREY SISTER, groaning to herself she reached over her sleeping daughter finally shutting the annoying alarm off.

She sat up at the edge of her bed still thinking to herself if she should go back to sleep or not.

Lindsey lightly slapped her cheeks and rubbed her eyes as she stumbled to her bathroom bumping into something, quickly turning around to make sure she hadn't awoken the five year old then resuming to the bathroom.

She jumped in the shower and a little while later hopping out and wrapping her bath robe around herself.

The blonde picked up her toothbrush and brushed her teeth while staring into her reflection in the mirror.

She picked out some clothes for her and Avery for once she woke up, Lindsey changed into her clothes then made her way down stairs where she bumped into Meredith.

"Mer why are you practically naked?." Lindsey said in between laughs.

"I'm late for work and my one night stand was trying to do the whole introduction thing!" Meredith complained.

"I'm sorry to hear your morning has been stressful. Seriously." Lindsey said teasingly.

"Oh shut up and go eat your stupid muesli." Meredith shot back rolling her eyes jokingly and rushing up the stairs with a blue thin blanket wrapped around her.

"Yeah I will just do that." She yelled back with a smile on her face making her down further the stairs to the kitchen.

Grabbing a bowl she poured some muesli and milk into it before grabbing a spoon and making her way back up to her room where Avery had spent the night in.

Lindsey opened her bedroom door finding her daughter wide awake.

"Look who is awake!" She exclaimed putting her bowl on her bed side and picking up her Avery, showering her with kisses as the little girl giggled and squirmed in her mothers arms.

"Mommy stop, stop! it tickles!" Avery complained in a fit of giggles.

The room gradually became silent as the mother swayed her daughter side to side whispering sweet things to her as her tiny head laid onto her mother shoulder.

Shortly afterwards, Lindsey had gotten Avery ready she was now sitting on the bed taking big bites of her muesli staring amusingly at her daughter sat on the floor struggling to put her feet through her shoes.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now