chapter ten

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( season two, episode one. )

SOMEHOW MEREDITH WAS ABLE TO DRAG HER OLDER SISTER to the bar across the street from hospital because she needed to let loose and Camille was with Avery so she didn't need to worry about that.

After much persisting the blonde had finally agreed, that's why she now found herself on a bar stool slowly sipping away at her negroni drink.

"So what brings you ladies back here?" A man named Joe asked mainly directing the question at Meredith who was not spaced out like Lindsey.

"I'm trying to get Lindsey to loose up a little." Meredith replied taking another shot of tequila as her older sister shot her a look.

"I know that look. It's probably one of two things. Either your colleague is giving you hell or the father of your child. Which is it?"

"Both." She reluctantly answered.

"The father of my child is my colleague, which was the problem but not as big a problem as the fact that the father of my child has got a wife who just happens to be my ex best friend and the worst part of it Is that I haven't talked to my best friend in months. does that make me a bad friend? surely not the phone works both ways right? And you know the rest of the story you've probably have heard it a million times these past years." The blonde rambled as her younger sister carried on taking her shots.

"Tell you what Lindsey this one's on the house."

"There you go Mer, I don't want to drink too much I'm driving."

"Well I think tonight you get a free pass so take the damn shot and cheers!" Meredith encouraged passing the shot back to her as she held hers in the air.

"Cheers Mer." The blonde mumbled connecting her glass with her sister's.

They were later joined by Cristina and George who sat next to them on the row of stools. The three women were now playing a game called whose life sucks the most.

"Well, i guess I'll go first, Josh or shall I say Dr.Mallard forgot to mention he was in the middle of processing his divorce." Meredith informed causing George to suddenly spit his beer out.

"George, beer is dripping from your nostrils." Cristina cringed as the man stood of the stool and walked away to go get cleaned up.

"Nah, you don't win." The dark brunette continued.

"Well if I don't win then Lindsey does, Derek married the woman who used to be this one's best friend after she took off from New York and the cherry on top she shows up randomly at the hospital."

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now