chapter twelve

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( season two, episode three. )

"COME ON KEEP UP." Avery shouted whilst she ran through the park as her mother, Meredith and Cristina were miles behind her obviously out of shape.

"I so envy that child, to be young and free all over again." Cristina complained slightly out of breath as she continued running along side the Grey sisters.

"Don't run too far Ducky!." Lindsey shouted trying to regain her breath as their running turned into jogging.


"Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." Meredith encourage running around both Lindsey and Cristina who had stopped.

"What are you a shrink now?" Lindsey slightly coughed out whilst being hunched over with her hands on her thighs trying to keep her breathing steady.

"Oh, do you feel better?" Cristina questioned holding her side.

"I'm stupid." Meredith said still running around the two women.

"We know." Lindsey voiced laughing at her own joke.

"Slutty mistress." Cristina added shooting the insult at Meredith.

"Pregnant whore." Meredith stated back while waving for Avery to come back over.

"That's what you guys get for sleeping with Attending's." Lindsey slightly shook her head as a smile played on her face.

"Oh, please like your life story is any better." Meredith and Cristina surprisingly said at the same time.

"Ouch." Lindsey faked being hurt as suddenly her daughter jumped on her back causing both to collapse on the ground because of the blonde woman's awkward position previously.

"Oops." Avery muttered as her mother twisted over so her back was to the ground and engulfed her 5-year old in a hug.

The two other women collapsed on the ground right next to Lindsey and Avery as they tried to regain their breaths.

"You know what's ruined for me...cinnamon buns. I used to love cinnamon buns but Josh freaking Mallard lives off them now their ruined for me." Meredith complained staring up at the sky.

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery bypass grafts and Aortic aneurysms. I used to love them." Cristina also complained.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now