chapter four

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( season one, episode four . )

"OKAY KID LET'S GET YOU TO SCHOOL." Lindsey vocalised starting the engine of her vehicle as her daughter played with her dolls in the back strapped in safely into her car seat.

"Mom I'm so tired." Avery said dramatically dragging out the last word.

"You always say that when your bored Ducky." She said keeping her eyes on the road and also letting out a laugh at her daughter's dramatics.

"Do you remember Derek? from the other day the one you called a stranger." Lindsey carefully questioned receiving a 'yes' in reply.

"Well, you wouldn't mind seeing him around more often. Would you?" The blonde continued to pry.

"Nope, I wouldn't, and his totally got awesome hair just like me." The 5-years old said cheekily causing her mother to break into a fit of laughter as they were now at a red light.

"And he looks just like the pictures you've showed me of dad and the one in my necklace." The 5-year old continued pausing every now and then trying to get her words out perfectly.

"Yeah, he does." The mother breathed out shiftily changing the conversation as they finally made it to the destination, Avery's kindergarten.

Lindsey got out of the car shutting her door before going to the back to get her daughter out who insisted for a piggy back ride not wanting to walk.

They soon came to their goodbye as they were now in-front of Avery's class room door and also the blonde woman having to bend down so her daughter could hop off her back.

"Okay Cami is gonna pick you up after school then when I get off work we're going to see nana with Mer and we can also get some ice cream." Lindsey explained to the little girl who was listening attentively.

"I can't wait for the ice cream!" Avery exclaimed growing excited.

"Of course you can't. I love you so much Ducky. I'll see you later okay." The blonde expressed still in her crouching position so she could be at level with her daughter.

"I love you infinity." The young brunette replied as her mother brushed her fallen hair out of her face giving her a massive kiss on the cheek.


"THERE GOES THE THIRD GRADE." Cristina scoffed looking up at the screen causing Lindsey and Preston to give each other a look of trouble.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now