chapter eighteen

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( season two, episode nine. )

AVERY AND LINDSEY were currently soaring through the sky on their way to the bustling city of New York. Their mission? To celebrate Thanksgiving together with Mark who would have been spending it alone otherwise. It had been far too long since they last saw him, almost a year to be exact.

To make the most of their time in the Big Apple, they had opted for an early morning flight even though the alarm had rudely interrupted their slumber, they knew it would worth it.

Bleary-eyed and slightly disheveled, Avery had found solace in her mother's comforting side, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

Lindsey, on the other hand, had seized the opportunity to catch up on some work. Carefully maneuvering her right arm, she diligently attended to her paperwork, making sure not to disturb the sleeping beauty beside her.

As the flight progressed, Lindsey finally closed the documents, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She turned her gaze towards the window, captivated by the breathtaking view of the city that never sleeps.

A smile crept across her face, knowing that their arrival was imminent. New York, with all its vibrant energy and endless possibilities, awaited their presence.

"Avery, honey, it's time to wake up. We're almost there," Lindsey gently whispered, brushing away the strands of hair that covered her daughter's face, causing her to stir from her slumber.

"Really?" the little girl replied, her voice still filled with sleepiness.

"Yes, sweetheart. Are you excited?" Lindsey conversed, trying to spark some energy in Avery.

"Yeah! Will Uncle Mark be there to pick us up?" the little girl exclaimed, suddenly wide awake, prompting her mother to chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"He'll be waiting for us as soon as we land," Lindsey confirmed, planting a tender kiss on Avery's forehead.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing," the pilot's voice announced over the intercom.

As the plane touched down at JFK Airport, Lindsey gathered their belongings and soon they both made their way through the bustling terminal.

The air was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation, as travelers from all over the world hurriedly made their way to their destinations.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now