chapter three

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( season one, episode three. )

LATER IN THE MORNING, Lindsey and Avery had both woken up to a silent house void of Izzie, George and Meredith.

The mother and daughter duo had finished getting ready and locked up the house before heading to the car.

"How about we skip school for a little while and go on a breakfast date together." Lindsey informed her daughter while starting the engine of her 2005 black Jeep Grand Cherokee.

"Can I please, please get pancakes with chocolate syrup drizzled all over the top." Avery  who was in the back seat strapped in her car seat spoke enthusiastically.

"I knew you were going to ask me that." Lindsey chuckled knowing her daughter loved to over drench everything she ate with syrup.

Avery pumped her fist up in victory as her mother continued to drive their way to the café that was located close to the hospital and Avery's kindergarten.

After ordering the pair decided to go to the outside sitting area and have their breakfast in the fresh morning air.

"Honey, you've got syrup all over you." The blonde woman said to her brunette daughter as she reached over with a napkin and wiped her face gently.

"Chocolate syrup is the best thing in the whole wide world. " Avery announced pouting as her mother dabbed the syrup residue left around her mouth.

"You've got the biggest sweet tooth just like someone I used know." Lindsey mumbled while smiling at her daughter and placing the dirty napkin next to her half eaten plate of blueberry pancakes with a side of a light yougurt.


"MOMMY look it's Anda!" The five year old exclaimed while pointing behind her mother.

This made Lindsey to turn around to Bailey coming towards them with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Morning Bailey, your looking a little on edge ." Lindsey voiced as she stacked her and Avery's plates neatly for the waiter.

"Good morning guys. There's something in the back of my mind bugging me and I really can't figure out what it is." The shorter woman admitted as she ruffled Avery's hair who was slurping away at her hot chocolate.

" I think a event or something is happening around the city this morning. I don't remember which one." The blonde shared having the same thoughts.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now