chapter two

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❝  MUESLI BAR?  ❞( season one, episode two

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( season one, episode two. )

tw: mentions of sexual assault

AFTER A CHAOTIC MORNING AT DROPPING AVERY OFF AT SCHOOL, Lindsey finally walked into the hospital at 10am with a cup of coffee in one hand and her phone glued to her ear as she spoke to Avery's babysitter.

"Yeah It's totally fine with me just drop her off at the hospital my shift ends at 12pm tomorrow morning." She reassured Camille that it was fine to drop Avery off at the hospital as the younger woman had to run errands tomorrow morning.

"Alright bye Cam I'll see you tomorrow." Lindsey said hanging up the phone while getting of the elevator where she saw her sister and the interns standing by the nurse station.

"Hey Mer I didn't see you this morning." She spoke while her voice was muttered by their hug.

"Oh I forgot to leave a note on the fridge but I wanted to get dibs on the best cases." The younger Grey chuckled which made Lindsey let out a laugh.

"I used to do that, there's always the best cases in the morning." The older blonde vocalised humorously as the other inters were to busy filling out charts to listen in to the conversation taking place.

After bidding her farewells to her sister and the inters, she went to the attending's lounge to change into her scrubs so she could finally start her shift.


LATER, changing and sorting her hair she made her way to the elevators while clipping her pager to the waist band of her dark blue scrubs.

As she waited for the elevator to make it's way to her floor an unwanted presence appeared next to her wanting to also get on the elevator.

The woman checked her watch in annoyance wanting the time to move faster.

The elevator finally opened as she made her way in standing right at the back as she wanted to be as far away from Derek as possible who was stood at the front.

"Seattle has ferry boats." Derek mentioned trying to start a conversation which she rolled her eyes to but stayed quite regardless, looking up at the elevator floor monitor.

"Seattle has ferry boats." The brunette repeated wanting for her to reply back.

"Right. I heard you the first time I'm just choosing to ignore you." She finally voiced huffing.

𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, derek shepherdWhere stories live. Discover now